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求用英语写摩登时代观后感 初中一年级上的水平 80词

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 01:30:39
求用英语写摩登时代观后感 初中一年级上的水平 80词
求用英语写摩登时代观后感 初中一年级上的水平 80词
"Modern times" is a story of "the industrial age personal enterprise and the pursuit of happiness of human conflict" good movie.影片主要反映了十九世纪末到二十世纪初社会大生产的现实.
The film mainly reflects the late nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century social production reality.看完后我不禁深思
After I watched the movie,I can't help thinking 很多时候都不清楚这种忙碌,这种追逐,到底是为了自己的理想还是怎样.
A lot of moment are not clear this busy,the chase,is it to his own ideal or what.我们作为这个时代社会洪流里的一份子,
We as The Times in a part of the social stream,我们人类共同的理想就是为了真理自由的或在这个世界上,为了美好的未来一同努力.
We human common ideal is to truth freedom or in this world,in order to better future working together.