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8.He woke early _____ it was raining.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 07:23:41
8.He woke early _____ it was raining.
A.finding B.to find C.found D.to have found
9.I regretted _____ the days when I _____ hard at school.
A.wasting,must have worked B.having wasted ,should have worked C.to waste ,should work D.to have worked ,would work
10.Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly _____,others prefer ____ to work on their own,
A.what to do ,to be left B.what to do ,to leave C.how to do ,to be left D.how to do ,to leave
11.It was rather careless of you ____ your bag in the bus .
A.to have left B.to have C.leave D.left
12.I regret ______ you the news _____ you failed this time.
A.to tell ,that B.telling ,that C.to tell ,which D.having told ,which
13.When the fire broke out ,the Smiths happened____at the cinema.
A.be B.were C.to have been D.to be
8.He woke early _____ it was raining.
B 一楼的解释应该是对的
B regret 即可做及物动词又可作不及物动词,在此处主要按句意理我对于那些我在本该好好学习却已经浪费掉的日子表示惋惜,强调本该和已浪费.
A 区分what to do 和 how to do ,一般就是看do 后面有没有东西,如果有,就是两者都可,如果没有,就是what to do .how to do 后面要加it的.后面一个空简单,是说“另外的人喜欢'被'留下一个人思考”,强调被动关系.
A 首先是句型:it is +adj.+of you to do sth.表示你这样的做法是怎样的.而动作发生在过去,所以是have left.
A regret to do sth.例句:为...抱歉,遗憾[+to-v][+that]
I regret to say that I am unable to help you.
the news +that 表示特指
D 一楼的解释就够了