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高中英语语法12题,希望大家把答案和解析都写下,特别好我再加分.1.A great number of sculptur

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 13:18:15
1.A great number of sculptures and paintings that he gave us are still examples( )this masterpiece is a good one.
A.from which B.on which C.of which D.about which
2.Do you consider it better(
A.not going B.not go C.not to go D.not having gone
3.Taking this medicine,if( ),will of course do good to his health.
A.continued B.to continue C.continues D.continuing
4.I suppose the theory he stuck( )corret.
A.to prove B.to proving C.to proved D.prove
5.The( )high-rise caugth fire last night.
A.48 storey B.48-floor C.48-storeyed D.48 floors
6.US action film-makers do not want injures( )their moive stars.
A.falling on B.fallen on C.to fall on D.fall on
7.Our teacher of English usually lays much emphasis( )spoken English in class.
A.to B.on C.in D.for
8.Won't you tell me what it is( )has been stolen?
A.which B.that C.whether D.what
10.The leading cause of his lung cancer is that he smokes( )more cigars( )is reasonable.
A.much...than B.many...than it C.much...than it D.many than
12.--Turn off the TV,Jack.( )your homework now?
--Mum,just ten minutes,please.
A.Should you be doing B.Shouldn't you be doing C.Couldn't you be doing D.Will you be doing
高中英语语法12题,希望大家把答案和解析都写下,特别好我再加分.1.A great number of sculptur
感觉你第一题好像打错了 2.Do you consider it better( C
A.not going B.not go C.not to go D.not having gone
consider后加to do时表认为
3.Taking this medicine,if(D ),will of course do good to his health.
A.continued B.to continue C.continues D.continuing
if continuing
=if you continue状语从句可以简化成关系代词加分词的形式
4.I suppose the theory he stuck(C )corret.
A.to prove B.to proving C.to proved D.prove
stick to坚持 此处为省略关系代词的定语从句 先行词the theory ; proved correct作the theory的宾补
5.The(A )high-rise caugth fire last night.
A.48 storey B.48-floor C.48-storeyed D.48 floors
指建筑物的第几层时用那个都可以 但当指多少层的建筑物时只能用storey
6.US action film-makers do not want injures(B )their moive stars.
A.falling on B.fallen on C.to fall on D.fall on
7.Our teacher of English usually lays much emphasis(B )spoken English in class.
A.to B.on C.in D.for
lay on强调
8.Won't you tell me what it is( B )has been stolen?
A.which B.that C.whether D.what
it 引导的强调句 变疑问句时应该是what is it .that .由于此时强调句充当宾语所以要用正常语序
goal目标与target差不多 但target有实际靶的意思 purpose的意图指有意还是无意intention指什么样的意图
10.The leading cause of his lung cancer is that he smokes( )more cigars( )is reasonable.
A.much...than B.many...than it C.much...than it D.many than
抱歉 不知道
expand可指抽象意义的增大 比如开阔眼界就用它 lengthen指加长 extend侧重向外延伸 往外发展 发展达到 stretch可理解为简单的延展开来 spread传播 展开有延的意思无增的意思
12.--Turn off the TV,Jack.expand( B )your homework now?
--Mum,just ten minutes,please.
A.Should you be doing B.Shouldn't you be doing C.Couldn't you be doing D.Will you be doing 你难道不应该现在做作业吗