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reasons for first settlers:siberian tribes,christopher colum

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reasons for first settlers:siberian tribes,christopher columbus,john cabot,puritans回答不是翻译
reasons for first settlers:siberian tribes,christopher colum
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Siberian Tribes:
No one knows precisely when the first human settlers.arrived in North America,but it is likely that various tribes of Siberian hunters began crossing the narrow Bering Straits into what is now Alaska at least 30,000 years ago,perhaps much earlier.Year after year,a few at a time,these nomadic peoples entered North America (almost certainly unaware that they were peopling a new continent) and wandered ever deeper into its heart.Ultimately,perhaps as early as 8,000 B.C.,the migrations reached the southern tip of South America.By the end of the fifteenth century A.D,when these ancient migrants had their first important contact with Europeans,America was the home of several million men and women.Scholars disagree on the numbers,but the most recent estimates suggest that well over 10 million people lived in South America in 1500 and that at least 2 million lived in North America.
Christopher Columbus:
Christopher Columbus,who was born and reared in Genoa,Italy,obtained most of his early seafaring knowledge and experience in the service of the Portuguese.And as a young man,he became intrigued with the possibility,already under discussion in many seafaring circles,of reaching the Orient by going not east but west.Columbus was an industrious student of geography,and his wide readings convinced him that the Atlantic could provide easier passage to the Orient than either the existing land routes or the arduous sea route around southern Africa.Columbus's optimism rested on several basic misconceptions.He concluded that the world was far smaller than it actually is.And he believed that the Asian continent extended farther eastward than it actually does.He assumed,therefore,that the western ocean was narrow enough to be crossed on a relatively brief voyage.It did not occur to him that anything lay between Europe and the lands of Asia.
John Cabot:the arrival of English
England's first documented contact with the New World came only five years after Spain's.In 1497,John Cabot (like Columbus a native of Genoa) sailed to the northeastern coast of North America on an expedition sponsored by King Henry VII.Other Englishmen,continuing Cabot's unsuccessful search for a northwest passage through the New World to the Orient,explored other areas of North America during the sixteenth century.But while England claimed dominion over the lands its explorers surveyed,nearly a century passed before Englishmen made any serious efforts to establish colonies there.Like other European nations,England had to experience an internal transformation before it could begin the work of settling new lands.And that transformation,spurred by a combination of economic and cultural changes,occurred in the course of the sixteenth century.
For all the influence Europeans and Native Americans had on each other,in most of North America they remained members of essentially separate cultures,and they generally attempted to keep a certain distance between them.There were some cases of natives becoming assimilated into white society ("Red Puritans," or "praying Indians," as they were called in New England).Somewhat more frequently,but still not often,whites became absorbed into Indian society,usually through marriage.On the whole,however,each group viewed the other as an alien force; and while the two worlds managed at times to live in peace,there was constant tension and constant potential for conflict.
reference---American history: