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英语翻译In these situations it is important to have some idea of

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In these situations it is important to have some idea of the amino acid
balance of feeds that can be grown locally.This topic will be discussed
more fully in Chapter 4.It is enough at this stage to point to the
examples in Figures 3.4 and 3.5 of two foliar sources of protein which
can be grown in the tropics:the water fern Azolla spp.and the
multi-purpose tree Trichan-thera gigantea.Azolla is readily consumed
by pigs,especially during pregnancy.The data in Figure 3.4 indicate
that the protein in Azolla (about 23% in the dry matter) has an excellent
balance of amino acids,better even than soya bean.In this case the
limitation to its use will be voluntary intake and the digestibility of the
Figure 3.4.Amino acids in Azolla; comparison with the ideal protein (Source:
* Wang and Fuller,1989; **Buckingham,1978).
The same is true,although to a lesser extent,with Trichanthera
gigantea.The protein in the leaves has a good amino acid balance and
according to some early work there are few secondary plant compounds
(Rosales,M.1994,unpublished data).Pigs eat it well,especially during44 Nutrition of non-ruminants
pregnancy.However,even when eaten in amounts that theoretically
supply all the protein needs (about 3 kg/day),pregnant pigs rapidly lost
body condition when given only Trichanthera as a supplement to sugar
cane juice (Sarria,P.,personal communication).Up to 30% replacement
of the soya bean protein by Trichanthera
appears to be feasible,but
either low digestibility or presence of secondary plant compounds
appeared to limit its use at higher levels.This aspect will be discussed
in Chapters 4 and 8.
Figure 3.5.The essential amino acids in Trichanthera gigantea as percentage
of lysine,compared with the ideal protein of Wang and Fuller (1989) (Source:
Rosales,M.,personal communication).
The energy allowances for pigs in the classical tables of feeding
standards are expressed in terms of metabolizable energy.
英语翻译In these situations it is important to have some idea of
在这种情况下, 重要的是考虑本地种植所用的饲料的氨基酸平衡.这个话题更详细的解说在第4章.现在来看一下图3.4和3.5中的两个饲料例子,这两种植物叶子可提供蛋白质,且可生长在热带地区:水蕨满江红属和多用途树Trichan -尊者巨.满江红通常作为猪的饲料,
*Wang and Fuller, 1989; **Buckingham, 1978).
(Rosales, M. 1994,未发表数据),所以猪可以很好的消化这些食材,而且这些饲料中的营养尤其是对怀孕的非反刍动物非常好.
然而,即使怀孕母猪摄取理论上超量的蛋白质(约3公斤/天),如果只给Trichanthera和作为食糖补充的甘蔗汁(Sarria, P., personal communication),怀孕母猪身体状况还是很快变差.
和Wang and Fuller发表的理想蛋白做了一个比较(1989)(来源Rosales, M., personal communication).