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谁能帮我写一篇600字的英语作文题目是 get ready to be a manager

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谁能帮我写一篇600字的英语作文题目是 get ready to be a manager
我是学酒店管理的 要写关于酒店经理人的
谁能帮我写一篇600字的英语作文题目是 get ready to be a manager
Here's a list of Ten Top Tips:
(M) Consult,consult,consult.

(A) You are managing people,not projects or product development or customer service or any other departmental mission.People are complicated and messy.They aren't machines any more than you are; they won't be the same every day,no matter how much you'd like them to be.So stay alert to what's going on with them.
•(K) For the first couple of days,sit down and get to know your staff.Find out what they do,what their goals are,what they like to do in their free time,etc.Several years ago,I watched a new manager start with a company and for the first month or so,didn't talk to any of his staff.A month later,he wondered why people were handing in their two week notices.
Get to know your staff!
(R) Learn how to deal with problem or resentful employees.I was promoted into my position over a longer-term employee.She was made my assistant.(Before everyone raises the sexism issue,I was the ONLY male manager and was promoted on performance.) She had a great deal of resentment and worked against me at every turn.After floundering around for a while,I finally took her into the office and calmly explained the facts of life to her,that I was the manager and if she couldn't work with me one of us would be leaving and it wouldn't be me.She straightened out after that and we eventually developed a good relationship.
Avoid re-inventing the wheel.Everything doesn't require your unique hand-print.Some things probably work just fine already.Also don't think or act like you know everything,nothing breeds resentment more than arrogance.You may be smart,but there's always someone smarter.
•(MC) You are responsible for everything that happens in your scope of authority.Don't ever think that just because you may not be doing the actual work,you are not responsible---you *are*.Unless you are comfortable with this basic fact,management is *not* for you.
The rewards come at a price.You will have to make decisions that will benefit the company as well as your staff.and quite often they are in direct conflict with each other.(You cannot be all things to all people.)
You do have a right to be human.Just because you are now management,does not mean that you can (or should) throw emotion out the window.
Laugh with your people.let them know that you are not a humorless troll.
Be honest with your people...you expect the same from them.Even if it's bad news,honesty does help lessen the blow.
Defend your people!They will reward you with their loyalty.
Here are some things that make you a better manager:
As a person:
•You have confidence in yourself and your abilities.You are happy with who you are,but you are still learning and getting better.
•You are something of an extrovert.You don’t have to be the life of the party,but you can’t be a wallflower.Management is a people skill - it’s not the job for someone who doesn’t enjoy people.
•You are honest and straight forward.Your success depends heavily on the trust of others.
•You are an includer not an excluder.You bring others into what you do.You don’t exclude other because they lack certain attributes.
•You have a ‘presence’.Managers must lead.Effective leaders have a quality about them that makes people notice when they enter a room.
On the job:
•You are consistent,but not rigid; dependable,but can change your mind.You make decisions,but easily accept input from others.
•You are a little bit crazy.You think out-of-the box.You try new things and if they fail,you admit the mistake,but don’t apologize for having tried.
•You are not afraid to “do the math”.You make plans and schedules and work toward them.
•You are nimble and can change plans quickly,but you are not flighty.
•You see information as a tool to be used,not as power to be hoarded.
Take a look at yourself against this list.Find the places where you can improve and then get going.And ,if you need help,remember that's what this site is all about - Helping new managers get started and experienced managers get bette