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英语翻译1 这就是我最喜欢的那本杂志.2 这是我曾经住过的村庄.3 正在

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 18:26:17
1 这就是我最喜欢的那本杂志.
2 这是我曾经住过的村庄.
3 正在唱歌的女孩是我的同学.
4 全心全意为人民的人应当受到尊重.
5 应当做的事情都已经做了.
6 他失败的原因是他粗心大意.
7 他用来写字的钢笔丢了.
8 你去过毛泽东出生的那间小屋吗
9 今天下午我们要去看你们参观过的照片展.
1①The man she married last year was a soldier.A whom B to whom C with whom Dwhose ②The man she was married was a soldier A whom B to whom C with whom D who
2①The reason she gave up teaching was her serious illness A for that B for which C which Dwhy ②The reason he was dismissed is not difficult to explain.A that B for which C which D for that
3①The day she spent with us was never to be forgotten.A/ Bon which C when Din which ②The day she played with us was never to be forgotten.A.that B.when C.which D./
4.① Is this the factory you visited last week?A where B which C.to which D.in which ② Is this factory you visited last week?A.that B which C in which D.the one
5.① The house window faces south is for the doctor.A.which B.that C.whose D.of which ② The house faces south is for the doctor.A.which B.whose C.who D.where
6.① She brought forward a plan we couldn’t agree.A.that B.which C / D.to which ② She brought forward a plan we couldn’t accept.A./ B.for which C.to which D .of which
7.① The invention she spent 2 years will do well to the world.A.which B./ C.on which D.when
②The invention took her 2 years will do well to the world.A.which B./ C.on which D.it
8.① The English subject,I do well ,is important in middle schools.A which B that C in which D.at which ②The English subject ,I have mastered well ,is important in middle school.A / B at which C that D in which
10①The place you visited during your holidays is where I used to be for years A where B which C in which Dto which ②The place you stayed for 3 years is where an ancient city used to be.A where B which C that D to which
11①She will fly to Washington is the capital of the US A that B where C which D in which ②She will fly to Washington she can enjoy herself A where B that C which D 
12①The story happened on a day the weather was wet and cold A when B which C in which D on when ②The story happened on a day was wet and cold A then B on which C which D ——
英语翻译1 这就是我最喜欢的那本杂志.2 这是我曾经住过的村庄.3 正在
1. This is the magazine which I like best.
2. This is the village where I used to stay.
3. The girl who is singing is my classmates.
4. The people who are dedicated to people shuld be respected.
5. The things what should been done have been done.
6. The reason why he failed is his careless.
7. The pen which he used to write has beed lost.
8. Have you visit the small house where Mao Zhe-dong was born?
9. This afternoon we are going to see the photo exhibition which you have visited.
10. Teacher introduced me the foreigners who is well-known professor.
英语翻译1 这就是我最喜欢的那本杂志.2 这是我曾经住过的村庄.3 正在 定语从句翻译定语从句翻译1.这就是我最喜欢的那本杂志.2.正在唱歌的女孩是我的同学.3.这是我曾经住村庄. 用定语从句翻译下列句子 1.这是我最喜欢的那本杂志 2.这是我曾经住过的村庄 3.正在唱歌的女孩是我的同学 英语翻译1.这是我过去住的村庄 2.正在唱歌的女孩是我的同学 3.这是我最喜欢的杂志 4.应当做的一切事情都已经做了 英语翻译这些就是我要你打的信.他就是你想见的那个人.敲门的那个人是他的朋友.这就是我去年写的那本书.这就是你正在找的杂志 英语翻译1. 我想找那支我用来写了这封信的钢笔.2. 孩子们正在寻找的图画书在这儿.3. 这是我曾经听过的最有趣的故事. 英语翻译老师对考试不及格的人很生气.2这是他曾经住过的房子 3正在和老师说话的那个人是谁?4这就是他刚才在找的那只钢笔 英语翻译1、这就是我出生的城市 2、那个在读英语的女孩是我的妹妹 3、这本讲关于青少年的生活的杂志是我的最爱 4、我喜欢 英语翻译1.这就是我想读的那本书2.正与我父亲交谈的那个男人是警察3.我昨天买的那本杂志丢了4.他住在一个窗子朝北的房间 英语翻译这是我看过最有趣的一部电影.他就是那个被我邀请去参加一会的人.这就是那本封面很旧的杂志.我永远也忘记不了我们一起 英语翻译《1》.我喜欢我昨天到访的这个地方,《2》.这就是我出生的村庄,《3》.6月8日是我们第一次见面的日子,《4》. 英语翻译昨天我在校门口见的那个人是我的英语老师.我正在等穿红色外套的那个男孩.姐姐上个星期给我买的那本词典很贵.这就是爸