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英语翻译1.They are too excited to stop cheering.2.What were you

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 06:55:22
1.They are too excited to stop cheering.
2.What were you doing ai this time last year?
3.He jumped the highest of us all.
4.The boy was catch by the hand just as he was leaving.
5.I feel much better now.
6.The kid is strong enough to carry so many books.
7.I'm doing my homework as carefully as i can.
8.My garden is the most beautiful in our town.
9.Luis is a good runner .He always runs fastest in his school.
10.Stop writing,please .You need a good rest.
11.Lying in the sun on a beache sounds relaxing.
12.Li Ming stood at the starting line.
13.Peter did much worse than Tom.
14.Can your father walk fast enough to catch up with you
15.You are too tired,so you should stop to have a rest.
16.Your digital watch is quite nice.Where did you buy it I want to buy one ,too.
17.She spoke Japanese.
18.If you want to catch up with them ,you 'd better run fast enough.
19.---You have the same coat as I.
---Yes.Mine is better,but not so expensive.
20.Millions of people watched Beijing Olympic Games on TV in 2008.
21.The meaning of "speak" is different from the meaning of "talk".
22.Those who did not run or jump shouted at the top of their voice.
23.They can remember most of the new words at the end of the class.
24.He is one of the best players in our school.
25.----How well Tom dances!I can 't believe my eyes.
----So he does.
英语翻译1.They are too excited to stop cheering.2.What were you
1.They are too excited to stop cheering.他们因为太兴奋了而要一直不停止的欢呼.
2.What were you doing ai this time last year?去年这个时间你在干什么?
3.He jumped the highest of us all.他是我们当中跳的最高的.
4.The boy was catch by the hand just as he was leaving.那个男孩在离开的那一刹那被抓到胳膊了.
5.I feel much better now.现在我感觉好多了.
6.The kid is strong enough to carry so many books.那个小孩子已经足够强壮的搬运那么多的书籍了.
7.I'm doing my homework as carefully as i can.我正尽最大努力做家庭作业.
8.My garden is the most beautiful in our town.我的花园是我们镇子里最美丽的.
9.Luis is a good runner .He always runs fastest in his school.路易斯是一个优秀的跑步选手.他总是在他的学校里跑的最快的.
10.Stop writing,please .You need a good rest.停止写作吧.你需要休息的.
11.Lying in the sun on a beache sounds relaxing.在太阳下躺在沙滩上听上去不错.
12.Li Ming stood at the starting line.李明站在开始线上.
13.Peter did much worse than Tom.比特做的比汤姆差得多.
14.Can your father walk fast enough to catch up with you 你的父亲可以走的快到可以追上你么?
15.You are too tired,so you should stop to have a rest.你太累了.你应该停止然后休息一会.
16.Your digital watch is quite nice.Where did you buy it I want to buy one ,too.你的数码手表真好啊,你在哪里买的?我也想买一块.
17.She spoke Japanese.她说日语.
18.If you want to catch up with them ,you 'd better run fast enough.如果你想追上他们,你最好跑的再快点.
19.---You have the same coat as I.
---Yes.Mine is better,but not so expensive.你的外套和我的一样 是的,我的更好而且没有那么贵.
20.Millions of people watched Beijing Olympic Games on TV in 2008.成千上万的人通过电视观看了北京奥运会2008.
21.The meaning of "speak" is different from the meaning of "talk".Speak的意思和Talk的意思是有区别的.
22.Those who did not run or jump shouted at the top of their voice.那些没有跑步或者调高的用最大的声音喊叫.
23.They can remember most of the new words at the end of the class.他们在快下课时记得了大部分单词.
24.He is one of the best players in our school.他是我们学校里的最好选手之一.
25.----How well Tom dances!I can 't believe my eyes.
----So he does.汤姆做的真好.我简直不敢相信我的眼睛.的确如此.