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求wind beneath my wings 和 i belive i can fly这两首歌的鲜明对比从各方面的,中文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/24 14:24:46
求wind beneath my wings 和 i belive i can fly这两首歌的鲜明对比从各方面的,中文也可以.
求wind beneath my wings 和 i belive i can fly这两首歌的鲜明对比从各方面的,中文
i belive i can fly
这首歌是歌手R.Kelly在1996年为飞人迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)的电影《Space Jam》(太空大灌篮)由自己作词、作曲、演唱的歌曲..《I Believe I Can Fly》成为了他最伟大的单曲之一,作为一个篮球迷、飞人的球迷我们都会相信这首歌完全是飞人的写照,只有飞人能配的上这首歌!也被世界歌迷评委十大英语励志歌曲之一.
This song is about not giving up on your dreams,and knowing with a little work,you can do anything.It's about believing in yourself and in that what you can achieve.
This song has always had that meaning of inspiring one to believe in themself and look beyond the barriers that seem to be there to prevent you from succeeding but are ultimately what true success is.
this song is about learning to reach the stars (reach your dreams) and he is talking about how he believes he can become something great.when he says he believes he can fly he is saying he believes he can go far in life and get where he wants to get.
i think that he is trying to say that as long as you believe in your self you can achieve anything even if it seems almost impossable
wind beneath my wings
<羽翼下的风>原是一首乡村歌曲,後来被知名的喜剧女明星贝蒂蜜德勒( Bette Midler )所翻唱,成为电影《情比姐妹深》主题曲.这首充满温馨与感谢的歌曲,不仅曾荣获排行榜冠军,也得过葛莱美奖.贝蒂蜜德勒与芭芭拉荷西再电影中饰演一对情同姐妹的好友.两人在 11 岁时於大西洋城的海滩偶遇,开始一段长达数十年的友谊.出身贫穷的贝蒂蜜德勒历经困难,终於成为知名的演员,而出身豪门的芭芭拉荷西,则成为律师.後来芭芭拉因罹患癌症,便将自己的女儿托给好友抚养.片中讲述女性情谊互爱互助,令人为之动容.
这首歌是Bette Midler在电影Beaches里唱的,电影讲述了两个女孩子纯真的友谊.
this song is about a someone thanking someone else for giving them the strenght to go on,for being "the wind beneath their wings"
This song is written in first person to show that we all start out selfish,thinking only about ourselves.We take people for granted,and the ones that truly love us never leave.
The song is about a person who loves and cares for you so much that they are willing to put your happiness above yours.
That means that I've taken you for granted,but I've always loved you.even though my actions never showed that.
i think this song means she has someone who always helps her and is considered her hero and her idol.I think everyone should have someone like she does.