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以an old story 为题的英语作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 14:38:20
以an old story 为题的英语作文
以an old story 为题的英语作文
An old story is told of a king in Africa who had a close friend with whom he grew up.The friend had a habit of looking at every situation that ever occurred in his life (positive or negative) and saying,"This is good!"
One day the king and his friend were out on hunting.The friend would prepare the guns for the king.The friend had done something wrong in preparing one of the guns,for after taking the gun from his friend,the king fired it and his thumb was blown off.Examining the situation the friend remarked as usual,"This is good!" To which the king replied,"No,this is NOT good!" and proceeded to send his friend to prison.
About a year later,the king was hunting in an area that he should have known to stay clear of.Cannibals(食人者) caught him and took him to their village.They tied his hands,stacked some wood,set up a stake and tied him to the stake(木桩).
As they came near to set fire to the wood,they noticed that the king was missing a thumb.They never ate anyone that was less than whole.So setting the king free,they sent him on his way.As he returned home,he was reminded of the event that had taken his thumb and felt sorry for his treatment of his friend.He went immediately to the prison to speak with his friend."You were right," he said,"it was good that my thumb was blown off." And he continued to tell the friend all that had just happened."And so I am very sorry for sending you to prison for so long.It was bad for me to do this."
"No," his friend replied,"This is good!"
"What do you mean,'This is good'?How could it be good that I sent my friend to prison for a year?" "If I had NOT been in prison,I would have been with you." Hi friend said calmly.
再问: 汉语翻译呢???哥???
再答: 稍等
再答: 一位非常有智慧的老人被国王请到宫中,做了国师。他有一句非常有名的口头禅,那就是:“这很好啊,是件好事。”  一天,国王的小手指头不小心被砸掉了。疼痛难忍的国王问老人有什么办法可以止痛,老人又把那句口头禅搬了出来,他告诉国王说:“尊敬的陛下,请您大声地念‘这很好啊,是件好事’,您的伤痛就会减轻许多。”  国王听了勃然大怒道:“寡人的手都这样了,你还说是好事!我现在把你关进监狱里去,看你还说不说是好事!”但是没想到当卫兵押老人进监狱时,他还在重复那句话:“这很好啊,进监狱也是件好事啊。”  后来,国王和大臣们去打猎,不幸被土著居民捉住了,打算把他们做祭祀品。但是根据当地规矩,肢体不全的人是不能做祭祀品的,于是国王被释放了。  回来之后,他第一件事就是把老人给放了,而且对他大加赞赏,然后问道:“我少了手指头是好事已经被证实了,那你被关了这么久,难道也是好事吗?”  “当然。”老人答道,“如果不是在监狱里,我肯定要陪您去打猎,那么现在我一定被杀掉了。”智慧老人摇了摇他健全的双手说。   这篇文章就是以上的英语文章的大概翻译,不是完全对照,相符,但是意思和这篇文章完全相符。