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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 17:24:21
2.舱口盖关闭时,围板上边缘应均匀贴紧密封件,压印应连续,其宽度大于围板 厚度的一半,密封件的压缩量不大于4mm.
3.舱口盖的零部件应进行防锈清理,除锈标准按GB 8923中Sa2级或St2级.
Which The skilled help to the following sentence translated into English 1. Cover, boards and accessories are not due burr, sharp edges, and seal around the edge of touch panel should be filleted.
2.舱口盖关闭时,围板上边缘应均匀贴紧密封件,压印应连续,其宽度大于围板厚度的一半,密封件的压缩量不大于4mm. 2. Hatch cover closed, Circuit board edge should be uniform paste tight sealing, stamping should be continuous, its width greater than the thickness around half the amount of compression seals is not more than 4mm.
3.舱口盖的零部件应进行防锈清理,除锈标准按GB 8923中Sa2级或St2级. 3. Hatch cover parts should be clean rust, rust standard according to GB 8923 in Sa2 grade level or St2.
4.舱口盖制成后应涂防锈漆,其活动部分涂中性润滑油. 4. After the hatch cover made of rust should be painted, painted some of its activities, neutral oil. 开启要灵活. Open to flexibility.
5.用直径不小于16mm,喷嘴水压为200KPa,试验距离为2.5-3M,自上而下直接冲射,被检部位无水珠或水迹等漏水现象. 5. With a diameter of not less than 16mm, the nozzle pressure to 200KPa, test distance of 2.5-3M, top-down direct impulse radio, head and neck were no signs such as water droplets or water leaking.
6.此舱口盖仅在应急逃生时开启,平时是关闭的. 6. The only emergency escape hatch when open, normally is turned off.
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