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英语翻译(5)bat (蝙蝠)中国传统文化中,蝙蝠被认为是幸福的象征,因为汉语里‘蝠’与‘福’同音,而‘蝠鹿’皆音‘福禄

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 04:35:48
(5)bat (蝙蝠)
中国传统文化中,蝙蝠被认为是幸福的象征,因为汉语里‘蝠’与‘福’同音,而‘蝠鹿’皆音‘福禄’,因此蝙蝠以表示财富、位、吉利.在欧洲民间传说中,蝙蝠总是和罪恶和黑暗势力联系在一起,和中国对猫头鹰的感觉相近.英语成语中也体现了对于bat 有坏的联想,如as blind as bat (有眼无珠),has bat in the belfry (异想天开)等.
(5)whale (鲸)
因为形体巨大,所含脂肪极多,一旦捕获获利甚多.所以用whale 比喻极有利,极美好的人或事物.如a whale of a chance (极大的机会);whale on skating (滑冰高手);在中国,国人注意的不是鲸的价值,而是惊愕于食量之大,这也许和中国人长期以来粮食问题得不到解决有关.所以鲸比喻欲壑难平或恃强凌弱.如“自隋朝以来,宇县瓜分,小则鼠窃狗偷,大则鲸吞虎据.”现代汉语中还有“蚕食鲸吞”一词,比喻在兼并土地时,或像蚕一样一点一点地吞食,或像鲸一样大口大口地咽下
cat也是西方人“宠物文化”中的重要成员;人们多用cat;来形容女人,称之为she;模特儿走的舞台步就叫 catwalk (猫步),old cat 指脾气坏的老太婆,barber’s cat 指“面有病容饥色的人”,儿童们常用copy cat 来指“看样学样的人,抄袭别人的人”,形容某人病得很厉害用 as sick as a cat; like a cat on hot bricks 旨“像热锅上的蚂蚁”;英语中还有一句谚语是:When the cat’s away,the mouse will play,意思是“当有权力、能力或影响力的人不在时,其他人就会无法无天、调皮捣蛋了”.
在英语中cat在传说中是魔鬼的仇身,是中世纪巫婆的守护神.尤其是黑猫,更让西方人深恶痛绝,惟恐避之不及.人们用猫来比喻包藏祸心的人,如She is a cat.(她是一个邪恶的女人).
英语翻译(5)bat (蝙蝠)中国传统文化中,蝙蝠被认为是幸福的象征,因为汉语里‘蝠’与‘福’同音,而‘蝠鹿’皆音‘福禄
(5) bat (bat)
Chinese traditional culture,bats are considered a symbol of happy,because Chinese Village 'bat' and 'Fu' homonym,and 'Bat deer' are sound 'Fulu',therefore in order to express the wealth bat,bit,Geely.In Europe in folklore,bats and evil and darkness is always associated with forces,and China's feel is similar to owls.English idiom also embodies the bat there is bad for the association,such as as blind as bat (有眼无珠),has bat in the belfry (whimsical) and so on.
(5) whale (whale)
Since the great body contains many very fat,once caught a lot of profit.Therefore,the use of whale analogy extremely favorable,a very beautiful person or thing.Such as a whale of a chance (great opportunities); whale on skating (skating master); in China,people do not pay attention to the value of whales,but dismay at the large appetite,which may be,and Chinese food has long been a problem not resolve the.For whales analogy sink so agitated or bullying.Such as "Since the Sui Dynasty,the Yu County,among them,and a small dog is stealing mouse burglary,big tiger,according to the annex." In modern Chinese have "swallow like a whale" word metaphor in the annexation of land,or as little by little,like silkworm ingestion,or like a whale to swallow the same大口大口
(7) cat (cat)
Cat in Chinese cultural content generally refers to its lovely,the wizard features.China likes cats,because it is lively and sweet,keep company with the director of entertainment,but also cats抓老鼠also quite practical value,the Song Dynasty poet Huang Ting-jian,Ming Wen Zhengming great writers have written "beg cat poem",showing people's favorite cat.With "(aged)" synonyms; cat in Chinese culture is a symbol of longevity.
Westerners cat is also "pet culture" of the important members; many people with cat; to describe the woman,known as she; models go a stage further called catwalk (catwalk),old cat refers to the grumpy old woman,barber's cat means "noodle color has sickly look hungry people",children are commonly used to refer to copy cat "look like the kind of study people,copying other people's person",to describe a person with very sick as sick as a cat; like a cat fundamentalism on hot bricks "like ants on hot pan"; have a proverb in English are:When the cat's away,the mouse will play,meaning "when there is power,capacity or influence the person's absence,other people will act in total disregard of the mischievous troublemaker."
In English at the legendary cat of hatred is the devil who is the patron saint of the medieval witch.In particular,are black,but also hated the West,to avoid any fear.It is used to describe cats harboring evil of people,such as She is a cat