作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

写 一份英文发盘信 ^_^

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 12:25:58
写 一份英文发盘信 ^_^
• 敬启者:
• 4月27日来信获悉,要求我们报中国红茶的成本加运费的悉尼价.兹答复,我方现报500箱中国红茶,每箱60澳元CFR悉尼价,2010年7月装船.付款方式为不可撤销即期信用证支付.此报盘以你方5月15日前复到为有效.
• 请注意我们的报价非常有竞争力,我们建议你方立即接受.
根据以上内容写一份英文 发盘信 感激不尽!
写 一份英文发盘信 ^_^
Dear Sir ,
We have received you letter of 27th Aprial ,from which you are asking us CFR Sydney price for the China black tea .Now we offer a quotation about 500 cartons China Black Tea ,AUD 60 per carton CFR Sydney ,we will make a shippment on July 2010 .Terms of payment :irrevocable letter of credit to be drawn at sight .This offer is valid upon received your reply before 15th May .
Please note our offer is competitive ,we hope you can accept it immediately