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英语翻译1.the world were pure Ophrah,but they proved prophetic.I

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:44:15
1.the world were pure Ophrah,but they proved prophetic.In a matter of weeks,the youngest man in the room---a 26-year-old former national math champion named Shao Yibo---scribbled down a business proposal,sold his belongs and left for Shanghai,where he launched a Chinese version of the Internet auction giant,eBay.
2.Certainly many neurotic boomer parents--and their stressedout,résumé-building teenagers--assume that it is always better to choose Harvard over Big State U.because of Harvard's presumably superior educational environment,better alumni connections,and more lucrative on-campus recruiting opprtunities.
3.Without a rigorous,large-scale,longitudinal study of students who spurn elite schools for less highly regarded ones--and given the high and rising cost of college,this research begs to be done--there will be no clear answer to our $125,000 question.
4.Asian Americans consider the "model minority" image a misleading stereotyped that masks individuality and conceals real problems.Many immigrant families,espacially the Indochinese refugees who arrived in the years following the fall of Saigon in 1975,remain mired in poverty.
5.It is hard to show scientifically that TV and films influence the way people think and act.We cannot re-run history to see what should have happened without them.Yet it is absurd to claim that so expressive a medium has no impact;if TV is unable to affect people,learning of any sort would be next to impossible.Given that young people spend more time watching TV than doing anything else(including studing),it is plausible that it does shape their hearts and minds.
6.Yet in the year since Viet Nam,critics in and out of uniform have repeatedly charged that too many officers have become cautious bureaucrats,adept at Pentagon politics perhaps,but interested more in advancing their careers than in perparing for the brutal exigencies of combat.
7.Recent years have seen an explosion in the number of advocates hired by corporations,labor unions,individuals and other special interests who want to influence actions of the White House,Congress and regulatory agencies.
8.Having received fewer popular votes than his opponent,Mr.Bush will face doubts and resentments about his legitimacy; he will have to deal with a narrowly divided Congress.
9.Despite recent bursts of anti-monarchical feeling,however,it is still hard to discover a strong movement toward a republic in this country.There is still no focus for this opposition,nor has any popular political party taken up the call for the monarch's removal.
英语翻译1.the world were pure Ophrah,but they proved prophetic.I
1.世界纯净ophrah,但事实证明谶.在未来几周,年轻男子在房间--一个26岁的前全国冠军叫邵一波--数学涂上了商业提案 属于卖掉后离开上海,他推出了中文版因特网拍卖巨人易趣.
3.未经严谨、大规模 纵向研究少名校学生唾弃的高度评价--而由于成本高,上涨学院 这不禁要做研究--不会有明确答案的问题125,000.
4.亚裔美国人认为"模范少数民族"的形象,误导定型个性和口罩隐藏真正的问题.许多移民家庭,性相关联的印支难民抵达西贡沦陷后的几年1975年 依然陷于贫困.
5.很难说,电视和电影表演科学地影响人们的观念和行为.我们不能再看看怎么办史上没有发生.但这么荒谬的声称没有任何影响表现中等; 如果电视不能影响人们,学习什么是不可能的旁边.由于年轻人多花时间看电视,比什么都做(包括学习) 这是有道理的,但这塑造自己的心灵.
6.yet在今年以来越南 评论家在进出制服一再指责变得谨慎幕僚人员太多,擅长政治五角大楼也许 但在推进自己的事业更感兴趣比盐水的残酷打击的原故.7.recent年目睹爆炸主张应聘人数事业,工会、 个人及其他想要影响特殊利益的行动,白宫,国会和监管机构.8.having较少普选票超过对手,布什对他的不满和疑虑将面临合法性; 他将要处理狭义划分国会.9.despite最近爆发反君权的感觉,但是 目前还很难找到一个强大共和国,在这个国家走向.尚无焦点这个反对派 也有民众呼吁政党负起君主的搬迁.