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英语完形填空题Tom is a twenty-year-old young man.Three years ago,wh

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 06:14:18
Tom is a twenty-year-old young man.Three years ago,when he finished middle shool,he found a job in a shop .He usually goes home at 9 in the evening .He always feels very t( ).After a quiick s( ) he goes to bed and falls a( ).So he never makes any n( ).His grandmother is very satisfied(满意的)with him.
接上面的 One day,he went back from work a little earlier .On his way home he saw Mary,one of his c( ).They were both very happy .Tom asked Mary to go to h( ) house.The girl agreed .They talked about their school ,their teachers ,their classmates and their future.They t( ) for a long tlme .
" Have a look at your watch ,please ," said the girl." What 's the time now " "Sorry,there is s( ) wrong with my watch ," said Tom ." Where is yours " "Mine i( ) at home ." Tom thought for a moment and then he found a way .He stepped(踏)his feet on the floor ." Bang!Bang!Bang!"
The sound woke u( ) his grandmother.The old woman shouted downstairs ,' It's twelve o'clock at n( ) ,Tom .Why are you still jumping up?
英语完形填空题Tom is a twenty-year-old young man.Three years ago,wh