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英语翻译Always regret those daysThose words to say to youI do no

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 12:29:42
Always regret those days
Those words to say to you
I do not want to trust others
The share of heartbreaking love to blame your fault
You were so kind and gentle
But I refused to saw
You were so in love with me
But I was trying to deny
I am crying to sleep last night
Wake up
Pillow has a piece of wet
At the expense of that love is so painful injury
Since my life without you
Erosion is always feeling lonely
Lost love
From you
Unconsciously every day thinking of you always
Driven by strong thoughts
Day without you is so hard
When the dawn light crept into the night
Several times I have Jiyu crazy
I am eager to once again against your chest
But the body injury
Remind me it was just a beautiful illusion
I do not want to become like this
I just want to go back to your side
Mutual interdependence through until Forever
英语翻译Always regret those daysThose words to say to youI do no
Always regret those days不断悔恨着那些日子
Those words to say to you那些对你说过的话
I do not want to trust others我不愿相信他人
The share of heartbreaking love to blame your fault来埋怨你带给我那份令人心碎的爱情
You were so kind and gentle你是那么善良和温柔
But I refused to saw但我却视而不见
You were so in love with me你如此深爱着我
But I was trying to deny但我却尝试去否定
I am crying to sleep last night 我昨夜哭泣入睡
Wake up醒来后
Pillow has a piece of wet泪湿枕巾
At the expense of that love is so painful injury爱情的代价便是痛苦的挫伤
Since my life without you自从我的生活缺少了你
Erosion is always feeling lonely孤寂便时刻侵蚀着我
Lost love从你那里
From you失去爱情
Unconsciously every day thinking of you always日日夜夜无意识的想念你
Driven by strong thoughts被强大的思想控制着
Day without you is so hard没有你的日子太艰难
When the dawn light crept into the night当破晓之光划过夜空
Several times I have Jiyu crazy好几次我都.疯狂
I am eager to once again against your chest我渴望再次拥入你的怀抱
But the body injury但身体的伤痛
Remind me it was just a beautiful illusion提醒我这只是美丽的幻觉
I do not want to become like this我不想变成这样子
I just want to go back to your side我只想回到你身边
Mutual interdependence through until Forever彼此相依,地久天长