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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:39:57
1) sb is messed up split
Example:I didn't realize how messed up Joey was until he stole some money from his parents and split for a month.
2)veg out 和 idiot box
eg:After a hard day,I like to veg out in front of the idiot box.
3)be wiped out 和 get it together
eg:Theo was so wiped out after his workout at the gym that he couldn't get it together to defrost a frozen dinner.
4) put the move on sb 和 shove off
eg:When Rick tried to put the move on Lola at the school party,she told him to shove off.
5) grease monkey 和 rip-off
eg:My father claims that most monkeys are rip-off artists.
be messed up是陷入困境,粗暴对待,句子里的意思就是没钱了,陷入财政危机.直到Joey偷了他父母的钱并且出走一个月我才意识到他已经多么穷困.
idiot box 是电视机,veg out是成为植物,没有意识,应该是睡着了.结束了一天的劳累,我在电视机前睡着了.
be wiped out是精疲力竭的,get it together 是收集聚集,这里是集中精力或有力气吧.Theo 在结束了健身中心的测验后太累了,以至于连解冻速冻晚饭的力气都没有了.
move可以指舞步,shove off是离开.Rick在学校的舞会上鼓足勇气想请Lola跳舞时,Lola告诉他要走了.
grease monkey是汽车修理站或加油站的工人,rip-off是偷窃、冒牌货、敲诈.这句子里没有grease monkey啊,直接翻译的话就是我爸爸坚持认为大多数猴子都是冒牌货.