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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/11 07:30:02
Today is The Tree Planting Day,I and my classmates go to park to plating trees.Why we planting trees? The zoology systom of China is very bad .If you know why Japan is very development than China,Because they have never use there own resource of trees. Now the tree resource of China is very poor,so we must to plant trees. How we can planting trees? We must have young trees and water.First of all,we must make a hole,then we will take the tree into the hole,at last we must water it.By planting trees,The everement of China will be better,and we will have a better future! 再答: One day I saw my mother’s diary book by accident while I was looking for my notebook. I was curious and began to read my mother’s diaries. In her diaries, she showed her deep love for me. She also expressed her disappointment when I made mistakes. She said she loved me so much and she believed I could be a good boy. I couldn’t help crying after reading my mother’s diaries.

  Since that day, I have changed a lot. I work hard and share some housework. I also try to understand my mother’s feelings.
再答: 这是我上次在电脑上记录的,直接拿过来
再问: 这他妈也太长了吧,能简短点吗
再答: 。。。。。
再答: 你随便抄几句就行了
再答: 第一段抄一句,第二段抄几句就行
再问: 我不知道这啥意思啊
再答: 那我给你缩短点?
再答: 其实写下来就不长了
再问: 你帮我缩
再答: One day I saw my mother’s diary book by accident while I was looking for my notebook. In her diaries, She said she loved me so much and she believed I could be a good boy. I couldn’t help crying after reading my mother’s diaries.

  Since that day, I have changed a lot.
再答: 第二篇这样行不
再问: 两篇
再问: 可以
再答: Today is The Tree Planting Day,I and my classmates go to park to plating trees.Why we planting trees?Because they have never use there own resource of trees. Now the tree resource of China is very poor,so we must to plant trees. How we can planting trees? We must have young trees and water.First of all,we must make a hole,then we will take the tree into the hole,at last we must water it.
再答: 好不
再问: 嗯,可以
再答: 采纳采纳~~
再答: 蟹谢~~
再问: 这篇能不能再短点
再答: 我再看看。。。
再问: 嗯
再答: Today is The Tree Planting Day,I and my classmates go to park to plating trees.Now the tree resource of China is very poor,so we must to plant trees.We must have young trees and water.First of all,we must make a hole,then we will take the tree into the hole,at last we must water it
再答: 这样儿
再问: 嗯,可以,谢啦