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英语翻译Text:Type and Sources of Air PollutantsWhat Is Air Pollu

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 16:34:51
Text:Type and Sources of Air Pollutants
What Is Air Pollution?Air pollution is normally defined an air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentrations to harm humans,other animals,vegentation or materials.There are two major types of air pollutants.A primary air pollutant is a chemical added directely to the air that occurs in a harmful concentration.It can be a natural air component,such as carbon dioxide,that rises above its normal concentration,or something not usually found in the air,such as a lead compound emitted by cars burning leaded gasoline.A secondary air pollutant is a harmful chemical formed in the atmosphere through a chemical reaction among air components.Serios air pollution usually results over a city or other area that is emitting high levels of pollutants during a period of air stagnation.The geographic location of some heavily populated cities,such as Los Angelles and Mexico City,makes them particularly susceptible to frequent air stagnation and pollution buildup.
We must be careful about depending solely on concentration values in determinMajor air pollutants following are the 11 major types of air pollutants;
1.Carbon oxides:carbon monoxide (CO),carbon dioxide (CO2).
2.Sulfur oxides:sulfur dioxide (SO2),sulfur trioxide (SO3).
3.Nitrogen oxides:nitrous oxide (N2O),nitric oxide (NO),nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
4.Hydrocarbons ( organic compounds containing carbon and hydrogen):methane(CH4),butane (C4H10),Benzene (C6H6).
5.Photochemical oxidants:ozone (O3),PAN (a group of peroxyacylnitrates),and various aldehydes.
6.Particulates (solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in air):smoke,dust,soot,asbestos,metallic particles (such as lead,beryllium cadmium),oil,salt spray,sulfate salts.
7.Other inorganic compounds; asbestos,hydrogen fluoride (HF),hydrogen sulfide (H2S),ammonia (NH3),sulfur acid (H2SO4),nitric acid (HNO3).
8.Other organic ( carbon-containing) compounds:pesticides ,herbicides,various alcohols,acids,and other chemicals.
9.Radioactive substances:tritium,radon,emissions form fossil fuel and nuclear poeer plants.
The following table summarizes the major sources of these pollutants.
英语翻译Text:Type and Sources of Air PollutantsWhat Is Air Pollu
1 .碳氧化物:一氧化碳( CO ) ,二氧化碳( CO2 ) .
2 .硫氧化物:二氧化硫( SO2的) ,三氧化硫( SO3的) .
3 .氮氧化物:氧化亚氮( N2O ) ,一氧化氮( NO ) ,二氧化氮(二氧化氮) .
4 .碳氢化合物(有机化合物含有碳,氢) :甲烷( CH4 ) ,丁烷( c4h10 ) ,苯(苯) .
5 .光化学氧化剂:臭氧( O3的) ,潘(一组peroxyacylnitrates ) ,和各种醛.
6 .微粒(固体颗粒或液滴悬浮在空气中) :烟雾,粉尘,烟尘,石棉,金属粒子(如铅,铍,镉) ,石油,盐雾,硫酸盐.
7 .其他无机化合物;石棉,氟化氢(高频) ,硫化氢( H2S ) ,氨(氨) ,硫酸(硫酸) ,硝酸( HNO3的) .
8 .其他有机(碳含)化合物:农药,除草剂,各种醇,酸,及其他化学品.
9 .放射性物质:氚,氡气,排放形式的矿物燃料和核poeer植物.
10 .加热.
11 .噪音.