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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:27:46
解题思路: 书面表达首先要审清题意,概括出要点,然后根据要求结合所学词汇及句型把内容连贯地表达完整。本文反映的主题是地球变暖,冰山融化给地球生命带来的影响。因此,我们必须采取有效措施,来拯救我们的地球。首先,我们应更多地使用清洁能源,减少煤和石油使用。其次,如果可能的话,我们应该步行上班,或者是搭乘公交车,以此来取代开私家车。第三点,我们应该种植更多的树,因为植物是可以将二氧化碳转化为氧气的。更主要的是,我们应该在日常生活当中养成一个节约能源的好习惯。
As is seen in the picture, a penguin is standing on the head of a polar bear while the bear is standing on a small piece of ice in the sea. This sight reminds me of our worsening environment.
With the development of economy, more and more greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. It has harmful effects, causing the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike.
So we must take effective measures to save our planet. First, we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil. Second, we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of driving a car if possible. Third, we should plant more trees, because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen. More importantly, we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.
如图所见,一只企鹅站在北极熊的头上,而北极熊站在大海中一块小冰块上。 这一情景让我想到了我们正在恶化的环境。