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帮我写篇英语作文my interesting school life.写一篇如题作文,必须要提到我们第二节下课后有课间操

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 13:27:43
my interesting school life.写一篇如题作文,必须要提到我们第二节下课后有课间操活动,还有平时注重太极拳练习.要初中水平,150个单词以上
帮我写篇英语作文my interesting school life.写一篇如题作文,必须要提到我们第二节下课后有课间操
I study in XX middle school.My school is very big and beautiful.
I often get up atX.00 a.m.Ten minute later I have my breakfast.Our classes begin at X.00 a.m.we have eight lessons every day.I often have Chinese,English and Maths lessons in the morning.I go home for lunch at about X.00 p.m.From X.XX to X.XX p.m,we have other lessons like Geography,History,Biology,Political and PE.
I don’t like play basketball,football and pingpang.But I like run.
I very like English and Computer lessons.English is very important.It is very hard to learn.Computer lesson is very interesting.
My school life is very colorful.
my life is my school.
my life revolves around school.
i've been in school for many years.
i've been studying a long time.
let me tell you about my school life.
first,school life is a challenge.
it's continous competition.
it's full of pressure and lots tests.
the competition is intense.
the pressure is heavy.
the testing never ends.
it used to drive me crazy.
now,i handle it ok.
now,i just focus on doing my best.
second,school is a great learning experience.
i welcome this chance to discover.
i understand that knowledge is power.
some days are unforgettable.
some classes are incredible.
some teachers inspire me so much.
before,i thought school was boring.
before,i complained it was torture.
now,i know it's a privilege to be valued.
third,my school is like a family.
we're like a close-knit community.
we're like members of a special club.
we stick together like a team.
we share and care about each other.
we all learn and grow together.
i cherish classmates and teachers.
they understand and encourage me.
their friendship and support mean a lot.
fourth,school life is about participation.
it's about trying new things.
it's about joining clubs and getting involved.
i like to interact with others.
i learn to open my mind.
i discover who i am and what i like.
i create fond memories.
i make friends for life.
i realize that school life is really great.
right now,school dominates my life.
it's my first big challenge.
it's my best opportunity to improve.
i treasure the happy days.
i tolerate the tough days.
i never take one day for granted.
i thank you for listening.
i hope your school life is great.
remember to be grateful for school.我的生活就是我的学校.我的生活就是我的学校.我上学已经许多年了.我学习了很长一段时间.让我告诉你关于我的学校生活.首先,学校生活是一大挑战.它的持续竞争.它充满压力与考试.竞争是激烈的.压力是很大的.测试从未结束.它曾经让我疯狂.现在,我把它处理好.现在,我只是专注于做我最好的.其次,学校是一个很好的学习经验.我欢迎这一机会发现.我知道知识就是力量.有些日子是难忘的.一些职业是难以置信的.有些老师给我非常大的启发.以前,我认为学校很无聊.以前,我知道上学是一种折磨.现在,我知道这是一个宝贵的财富.第三,我的学校就像一个家.我们就像一个联系紧密的社区.我们就像一个特殊社团的成员.我们团结在一起.我们分享和互相关心.我们一起学习,一起成长.我珍惜同学和老师.他们的理解和鼓励我.他们的友谊和支持的意思是很多.第四,学校生活是参与.这是尝试新事物.它是关于参加俱乐部和参与.我喜欢和别人交流.我学习敞开我的心胸.我发现我是谁,我喜欢.我创造美好的回忆.我做一辈子的朋友.我明白学校生活真是太棒了.现在,学校的主导我的生活.这是我的第一个大的挑战.这是我最好的机会提高.我珍惜那些美好的日子.我忍受那些艰苦的日子.我绝不会浪费任何一天.我谢谢你的倾听.我希望你们的学校生活也很棒.记得要对学校心存感激.分享到
再问: 太极拳和课间操呢,。你没提到啊,帮帮忙,如果写的好,我加悬赏分