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In a sense ,the human-sized door of a typical office buildin

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 21:53:18
In a sense ,the human-sized door of a typical office building say the same things .There is usually a long row of doors—six ,ten ,twelve .The people flow in and out anonymously .They are as insignificant ,individually ,as the worshippers in the cathedral .What is more important ,though—and this is where the difference lies—is what goes on in the building above ,the great hive of tiny cubicles in which people toil away their lives at (mostly) routine tasks of doubtful value or interest .What is important is the abstraction business—a vague deity with no particular attitude us as living beings .It is perhaps for this reason that we find so much ,and what it does say is pretty dispiriting .
The architect further uses doors to direct the eye and the attention of the viewer where he wishes .For a door suggests movement .It says ,“Pass through here ,” so that even if you do not use the door ,the thought is subconsciously in you mind and you respond to it .A Freudian would have no trouble associating this response with the emotional significance attached to entrance to and exit from Mother’s womb .Be that as it may ,the fact is the door is the point at which you enter a building or room or leave it .In either case it means a change of state ,from inside to out ,or the other way around .And since very litter affects you as profoundly as matters concerning you own skin ,when the architect uses a door as device to communicate with you ,he is speaking your language .As proof ,if proof is needed ,just recall how annoyed you were when you could not see the entrance to a building ,or the nightmares all of us have had in which we were trapped somewhere and could not find an exit .
In a sense ,the human-sized door of a typical office buildin