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帮我翻译张靓颖的《sun shine》

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 05:32:48
帮我翻译张靓颖的《sun shine》
帮我翻译张靓颖的《sun shine》
Will you remember the summer you left then you came back
Disappearing through an endless diamond shimmering sky like a shooting star
splitted the night
是年夏日 汝可铭记
汝去又归 触吾心扉
天际无垠 寰宇浩瀚
繁星闪耀 宛若璀璨
汝终离去 难寻影踪
如坠流星 划破长空
I am flying to be free passed the clouds till the rainbow's end
Searching for you and trace above the halo of the street lamps
我欲乘风 徜徉天边
飞越霓虹 翔达云端
华灯之上 云烟氤氲
遍寻汝踪 泪眼朦胧
-Tears in my eyes -Do not cry
You lay a whisper in my dream
I see an angel when you smile
汝现吾梦 浅吟低唱
涓涓慰藉 止吾忧伤
丝丝怜惜 暖吾心房
莞尔一笑 犹见仙嫦