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求英语全翻译!谢谢1.语境在阅读理解中的作用.语境即我们平常所说的 “上下文”.“No context,noa word

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/28 15:25:00
1.语境在阅读理解中的作用.语境即我们平常所说的 “上下文”.“No context,noa word is the missing part of its context(一个词的词义取决于语境的需要).”这始终是阅读理解的座右铭.
2.利用语境线索,排除词汇障碍.阅读时,读者往往会遇到生词或一个词的新内涵.查阅词典会影响速度,而且未必就能解决一词多义的问题,此时就可通过语境线索即通过上下文来推测生词的意义.常见的语境线索类型有:解释(definition)、同义词线索(synonym)、反义词线索(antonym)例证(example)、因果线索(cause and effect)、修饰语线索(modifier)及标点符号线索(Punctuation).
求英语全翻译!谢谢1.语境在阅读理解中的作用.语境即我们平常所说的 “上下文”.“No context,noa word
1. Role of Context in Reading Comprehension. Contexts that we usually call "context". "No context, noa word is the missing part of its context (the meaning of a word depends on the needs of context)." This is always reading comprehension is the motto. Context Context is divided into place, time, context and word context of specific time or era in which they were available from the site and place, the language used, after the introduction of a word or phrase in a sentence other sentences around to reflect the importance of the article.
2. Use contextual clues, eliminate barriers vocabulary when reading, readers often encounter new connotation of a word or words. Check dictionary will affect the speed, but may not be able to solve the problem of polysemy, then you can by the context through context clues to guess the meaning of common words contextual clues types: Interpreter (definition), synonym clues (synonym), antonym clue (antonym) illustration (example), the causal trail (cause and effect), modifiers clues (modifier) and punctuation cues (Punctuation).