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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/23 17:19:01
摘 要
美国次贷危机的蔓延, 已经演变为全球性金融危机, 给全球经济和证券业带来了巨大的冲击.2007年以来, 由美国次贷危机引起的全球金融危机, 已经导致了全球经济萎缩和股市低迷, 国际范围内虚拟经济发展受到了致命打击.2008 年华尔街五大投资银行巨头先后申请破产保护, 被收购或转型, 标志着美国独立投资银行模式的终结, 美国投资银行引以自豪的“借短放长” 、“ 以小博大” 经营模式在危机中破灭了.金融证券业面临着新一轮的并购和重组, 中国实体经济和资本市场也遭受了严重的冲击.在此,从宏观和微观两个层面剖析了危机发生的成因, 提出次贷危机对中国证券业发展的影响及对策,以期对我国证券业的发展有所启示和借鉴.
关键词: 美国次贷危机; 金融业; 证券业; 金融创新
U.S.subprime mortgage crisis spread,has evolved into a global financial crisis,the global economy and the securities industry has brought great impact.Since 2007,the U.S.subprime mortgage crisis caused by the global financial crisis has led global economic downturn and stock market downturn,the international development within the virtual economy has been a fatal blow.In 2008 five major Wall Street investment banking giant has filed for bankruptcy protection,the acquisition or restructuring,marked the end of independent investment banking model,the U.S.investment bank proud "to take up long-short","leverage" business model in crisis in the burst.Financial securities industry faces a new round of mergers and acquisitions and restructuring,China's real economy and capital markets also suffered a serious impact.Here,from the macro and micro level analysis of the causes of the crisis made subprime crisis on China's securities industry and countermeasures,with a view to the development of China's securities industry inspiration and reference.
Keywords:United States subprime mortgage crisis; financial sector; securities industry; financial innovation