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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 16:25:09
Winston · Churchill (Winston Churchill,1874-1965) English biography writer, historian, statesman. Had been born in the Oxford nearby Blenheim palace. Grandfather horse General Borrow has the illustrious military exploits in the war neutrality. The father pulled the Dower husband Lord once to be appointed English finance minister. He then is sent since childhood by messenger into lodges the school study, once went study in the famous harrow school, but the natural disposition was obstinate, the academic record was not good, only liked the history, the literature and the military game. After in 1893 was admitted reluctantly the Saunders special military academy, because is congenial to, the graduation result is among the best, attains the military officer qualifications. In 1895, the military rank enrolled the imperial fourth cavalry regiments by second lieutenant. Latter because of the hope risk life of struggle, has joined Spain successively by the volunteer soldier and war correspondent's status to Cuba's colony war and the English army in Indian, Sudanese, South Africa's war, battles heroically, dares the shoe danger to worry is well-known. During, in two years which guards in India, he also widely read historical, the philosophy, religious and the economical aspect work, makes up oneself in education being short of. At the same time, published the documentary literature "Ma Lakan the Germany Expedition To record" (1898), "River bank War" (1899), "South Africa Joins the army Records" (1908) and the novel "Schaap Roller" (1899) and so on, Guang Shou welcome.
In 1899, Churchill retired from the armed services participates in government, in 1900 was elected as lower house of legislature congressmen. In 1906 became a cabinet minister by the Liberal Party status the assumption to colonize vice-minister for the first time, latter took the post of commercial minister, internal affairs minister, the first yi world war eve held the post of ministers of the navy, war period has held the post of military supplies minister. After the October Revolution victory, he once was positive plans counter-Soviet. In 1924, also by conservative party status taking the post of finance minister, until in 1929 the conservative party the disastrous defeat left the government in the election, unemployed ten year long time. This period he has published five volume this memoirs "World Crisis" (1923-1931), the biography work "I Long ago Life" (1930), four volumes this "the Horse Borrow Biography" (1933-1938).
30's, because Fascist influence rising, the European situation is day by day intense, Churchill opposed firmly country's and so on England and France appeasement policies, become the hardliner leader. He everywhere makes the speech, the exposition war danger. His speech torrential convincing argument, the aphorism repeat leaves, is recognized as the big orator who stands out. In 1939, the Second World War erupted, Churchill appointed minister of the navy Chamberlain the cabinet. In 1940, he was ordered to, to take the post of prime minister on the point of death, led the English people to defend British Isles, and all levels of launched the diplomatic activity positively, formed an alliance with America and Soviet, forms the international antifascist united front, made the significant contribution for the antifascist war final victory.
In 1945, in antifascist victory eve, because the conservative party is defeated in the election, Churchill loses prime minister the position. After that, he used six years time to complete six volumes this "Second World War Memoirs" (1948-1954). In 1951, the conservative party in won in the election, Churchill took the post of prime minister once more by 77 year old of. Because in 1955 the age high resignation retired, composed four volumes devotionally this "English Nationality History" (1956-1958). In January, because 1965 encephalorrhagia died.
Although Churchill's life mainly is engaged in the political activity, but his historical writings and the biographical literature writing achievement is also outstanding. In 1946 started, he is then nominated for the Nobel prize in literature candidate, and finally in 1953, “as a result of him in description history and the biography aspect attainments of, because simultaneously his that guarded the lofty person's value glory to speak in public”, won the Nobel prize in literature. Sweden Institute compares with him " to have Cicero literary talent Caesar big emperor " ("Promulgation Refined language").
温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill,1874-1965)英国传记作家、历史学家、政治家.生于牛津附近的布莱尼姆宫.祖父马博罗将军在战争中立有赫赫战功.父亲拉道尔夫勋爵曾任英财政大臣.他从小便被差送入寄宿学校学习,曾就读于著名的哈罗学校,但生性执拗,学习成绩不佳,只喜欢历史、文学和军事游戏.1893年勉强考入桑德斯特陆军军官学校后,由于志趣相投,毕业成绩名列前茅,获军官资格.1895年,以少尉军衔编入皇家第四骑兵团.后因渴望冒险的战斗生活,以志愿兵和随军记者的身份先后参加过西班牙对古巴的殖民地战争和英国军队在印度、苏丹、南非的战争,以作战英勇,敢于履险犯难闻名.其间,在印度驻守的两年中,他还广泛阅读了历史、哲学、宗教和经济方面的著作,以弥补自己在教育上的欠缺.同时,发表了报告文学《马拉坎德远征记》(1898)、《河上的战争》(1899)、《南非从军记》(1908)和小说《沙普罗拉》(1899)等,广受欢迎.