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以how to protect the earth为题写一篇英语作文,求学霸帮忙

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 19:28:50
以how to protect the earth为题写一篇英语作文,求学霸帮忙
以how to protect the earth为题写一篇英语作文,求学霸帮忙
It does not take a genius to realize what is happening in the environment. Animal species are becoming extinct. The rainforests are slowly being destroyed. The air quality is getting worse. The hurricanes are becoming more frequent and stronger. (Bryan Walsh 1) Flashfloods all over the world are becoming more often. More people are getting sick and dying from lung diseases. These are events that we must all take seriously because they all affect us. We cannot say that the destruction of our environment does not affect us because we all breathe the same air. We all enjoy the same beaches. We all drink the same water. We all step on the same land mass.
We may not be aware but all the things we do have an impact in the environment. When we travel from one place to another by plane we consume energy which affects the environment. Once we throw empty bottles of water and other garbage on the streets we pollute our environment. When we neglect to turn off the lights and other appliances we consume energy which also affects the environment. When we fail to segregate and recycle our garbage we become direct participants in the killing of our environment.
The point is that we can do something to save the environment. Yet, we do nothing about it. There is only one Earth. We cannot allow it to slowly die. We cannot continue to become indifferent and expect to drink clear water or to breathe clean air.
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We can all do our share in helping the environment. Saving the environment can start even while we are in our own homes. In my family, we practice this at home by turning off the lights, televisions, radios, personal computers, air conditioner when they are not in use. We also try to make it a point to conserve water by constantly checking for leaks and not allowing it to run while washing our face, taking short showers, and avoiding flushing the toilet very often. We also practice segregation and recycling of garbage so that our family does not add to the tons of garbage being thrown everyday. When we buy new appliances to check whether they are energy efficient and whether the new air conditioner and refrigerator contains Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) instead of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC).
Norman Cousins once said “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” (Michael Schellen Berger & Ted Nordhaus, 8) For me, the worst thing than death is to see someone or something dy
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再答: To protect the earth,we must keep the balance of the earth.Don't destory the forests to much,protect the wild animals,to plant more trees.and protect the marine biology,make little pollution. In our everyday life,we'd better try our best to walk instead of auto,use the sun energy, buy little food ,never wast the materials.The earth is our home,all of us should protect it.《怎样保护地球》要保护地球,我们必须保持生态平衡。不过度破坏森林;保护野生动物;种植更多的树木;保护海洋生物资源,尽量减少污染。在我们的日常生活中,我们最好尽力用步行来代替汽车,多利用太阳能,少买食物,永远不要浪费原材料。地球是我们的家园,我们所有人都有义务来保护地球。