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用英语简介 格列佛游记如题 谢谢了

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用英语简介 格列佛游记如题 谢谢了
用英语简介 格列佛游记如题 谢谢了
英国作家乔纳森.斯威夫特的小说《格列佛游记》讲述了航海医生格列佛的几次离奇经历. 首先他来到一个叫“利立浦特”的小人国,帮助国王打败了同样是小人国的“不来夫古斯”,受到国人的崇敬,但也因此得罪了朝中显要不得已逃到“不来夫古斯”,在他们的帮助下“做”船逃离那个充满是非的小人世界。 在大人国“布罗丁奈格”他成了国王的宠物...... 在飞岛“皮勒他”他见识了愚蠢、自负的国王和贵族;可笑的科学家和他们可笑的科学实验——从黄瓜里提取阳光、从粪便里提取营养...... 在巫人岛“格勒大椎”的一位巫人贵族家里他见到了形形色色的著名人物并了解到一些历史事件的“真相”;见到了荷马和亚里士多德及因不当注解两位作品而羞于见作者本人的众多“学者”。 在“拉格奈格”他见到了长生不死的“斯特鲁布鲁格”在得知这些永远不会死但已经失去了生存的原始意义后,他改变了以往的人生观、价值观,对与为什么活着进行了另一个角度的思考。 在“惠妍”这个被善良、淳朴、智慧、优雅的马统治的国度里,他见到了一种叫“耶胡”的畜生对人类所有缺点、弱点以及队人性中卑鄙与丑恶夸张的展示,并为自己也是一个“耶胡”而感到万分的羞耻。 全书语言生动、流畅质朴,在讽刺小说里独树一帜,特别是影射与反语运用的非常精彩 . (以下是用在线翻译上面内容: http://www.hao123.com/ss/fy.htm) British writer Jonathan. Swift's novel "Gulliver's Travels" tells the doctor Gulliver Navigation several bizarre experiences. First, he went to one called "Lilliput" in Lilliput, helping the king is a villain to defeat the same country "can not Fugu Si" by the people's reverence, but also so offended forced to flee North Korea and prominent to "not come Fugu Si" in their help to "do" ship to escape the villain in the world that is full of right and wrong. In Brobdingnag, "Brading Neiger," he became the king's pet ...... In the flying island "Peeler him" he saw a stupid, conceited king and nobles; ridiculous ridiculous scientists and their scientific experiments - to extract sunlight from cucumbers, to extract nutrients from the feces ...... In the witch the Isle of Man, "Engler Ojo" in a witch who aristocratic family he had seen all sorts of famous people and learned a number of historical events of the "truth"; saw Homer and Aristotle, and two because of inappropriate comments The author himself ashamed to see the works of the many "scholars." In the "Lagenaige," died a natural death, he saw a "Sitelubu Kruger" in that they will never die but have lost the original meaning of existence, he changes the outlook on life, values, right Why is alive and had another perspective to ponder. In the "Hui-yin" which is good, honest, intelligent, elegant horse ruled country, he saw something called "Yehuda" and all the beasts of human weaknesses, the weaknesses of human nature as well as the team mean and ugly display of exaggerated, and for herself as well as a "Yehuda" and felt very shame. The book language vivid, smooth plain, in the satirical novel, unique, especially the use of innuendo and anti-language is very exciting.