作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.The girl looked very surprised at the news ,she looked at

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 01:24:22
1.The girl looked very surprised at the news ,she looked at me with her mouth open wide.
2.her face showed surprise at the news.
3.what surprised us was that the "farmers" were not really farmers.
4..he gave me a surprise by arriving early.请把以上题目中的surprise 各是什么词性讲解一下,另 by arriving what surprised us was是什么语法.
5.i thought my idea a great one.but my parents didn't agree with it.请问 my idea 后面是不是少了一个动词做谓语?期待你的解答,
1.The girl looked very surprised at the news ,she looked at
4题中的surprise是可数名词作动词give的宾语.by arriving 是通过到达早给我一惊喜.what surprised us是主语从句.
my idea 后面不是少了一谓语.因为think + 宾语+宾补.这是一种句子结构.如I think your coat beautiful.=I think your coat a beautiful one.
we all think his idea a wonderful one.因为动词think后不是从句所以不用动词做谓语.
再问: 膜拜!再问一个行吗?turn left at the fourth crossing.的同意句。答案是: take the fourth turning on the left。请问题目中是crossing十字路口,可答案为什么变成turning了呢? 另第1和2题中的 surprised at 不是be surprised at 中的at 吧?那这两句中的at 是什么意思?期待您的解答!
再答: 你说的这几个都是固定搭配。即take the first/second....turning 在第...个路口向,,转但不能说take,,,,crossing。用crossing只能用at the first/second...crossing这个固定短语。(在,,路口)所以用turning.同义句改写是对的。别外那两个at也是搭配。即be+形容词surprised at 对,,感到惊讶。show +名词surprise at 对,,感到惊讶。但介词at本身无词义。