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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 10:30:17
International Freight Forwarder is the intermediate link of foreign trade transportation as well as the organizer and designer of internation cargo transportation.With the rapid development of Chinese foregin trade and shipping industry,the country's International Freight Forwarder has also been developed rapidly.However,with the continued change of business environment and deeper development of enterprises ,International Freight Forwarder enterprises have exposed many problems in their operation and competition.The risk prevention during operation is one of them to which should be paid great attention by the enterprises.Under the situation of internsive competition and complicated business,how to understand and avoid risks is the key to enhance their competitiveness.This paper firstly reviews the concept of International Freight Forwarder,and then introduces its history,present situation and development ,finally attaches importance to analyze its risks,the cuases of the risks and the related prevention measures against the risks,hoping that it is helpful for the International Freight Forwarder enterprises.
英语翻译国际货运代理是国际贸易运输中不可缺少的中间环节,也是整个国际货物运输的组织者和设计师.随着我国对外贸易和航运事业 英语翻译国际贸易依赖于运输的发展,有效率的大规模的商品运输,乃是整个国际社会求生存和发展所不可缺少的.在国际贸易运输中, 英语翻译现代物流方案设计国际货运代理代理报关报检国际多式联运大陆桥国际联运长江内支线航运内陆—香港间的过境运输仓储及配送 英语翻译国际贸易是一国国民经济的有机组成部分,是国民经济整体中不可缺少的重要环节,在国民经济中占有重要地位.近年来,随着 日本的国际货运输主要依赖____.A 航运输空 B 铁路运输 C 海洋运输 D 管道运输 英语翻译集装箱运输是铁路货运的发展方向,它对于降低全社会综合物流成本,提高国内外和国际供应链的效率和效能意义重大.我国加 英语翻译是帮朋友翻译的论文摘要我不怕被打击的.伴随着国际贸易的迅速发展,保险作为一种经济补偿方式,在国际货物运输中适用十 英语翻译随着我国对外贸易的蓬勃发展,我国已经成为世界各国反倾销的主要对象和遭受反倾销最严重的国家.在近年来的国际贸易市场 国际货物运输代理有限公司用英语怎么说 英语翻译我国未来铁路客流量大、集中、行程长,这正是高速铁路优势所在,也是高速公路和民航都难以胜任的。随着运输要求的不断增 国际大陆运输状况和我国大陆桥运输概况 英语翻译随着经济全球化的发展,我国的国际贸易也越来越发达,国际商务谈判在所难免.谈判是化解对抗、达成谅解、连接理想和现实