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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 23:27:08
(After the party, Vivian goes home and John stays there. Then William follows Vivian as he decides to confess his love to her.)
William: I want to tell you that I love you so much. In fact, I’ve been fallen in love with you at first sight.
Vivian: Oh, you are so romantic!
William: May I have the honor to be your lover?
Vivian: But you are married!
William: The truth is I love you more than my wife.
Vivian: Then what are you going to do about your wife?
William: Trust me. I’ll give you happiness that you’ve never had in your life.
Vivian: Will you give me some time to think about it?
William: Of course, I’ll wait for you, my love. (William sings love songs to her.)
(John feels shocked and furious when he overheard the conversation between William and Vivian. And he goes over to Vivian.)
Vivian: Dad, I think he’s a great person and a wonderful lover.
John: You’d better break up with him immediately before it is too late!
(John tells Channel about what happened between Vivian and William.)
John: Master said he loves my daughter. Why? Why he loves my daughter?
Channel: What? My husband loves another woman again? It’s not a big deal! I only care about his money!
John: He’s cheating on you and fooling with my daughter.
Channel: This time, I must do something about it.
(A few minutes later, Channel calls Michelle.)
Channel: Hello. May I speak to Michelle?
Michelle: Password, please.
Channel: You are a genius and I am a fool.
Michelle: Yes, you got it. Anything I can be of service to you?
Channel: I…I…I…want… (Stammering)
Michelle: Hey, don’t be afraid. Speak up!
Channel: Please kill a person for me.
Michelle: What? You want me to kill a person?
Channel: Yes, could you do it for me, please?
Michelle: Ha, I’m just kidding. Of course, that’s what I am here for. I accept the case. And you know, I need a great deal of money as a reward.
Channel: Yes, no problem at all.
Michelle: Ok, done.
(After the party,Vivian goes home and John stays there.Then William follows Vivian as he decides to confess his love to her.)
William:I want to tell you that I love you so much.In fact,I’ve been fallen in love with you at first sight.我想告诉你我有多爱你.事实上,我见到你的第一刻就爱上你了.
Vivian:Oh,you are so romantic!奥,你真浪漫!
William:May I have the honor to be your lover?我能有幸成为你的爱人吗?
Vivian:But you are married!但你已经结婚了呀!
William:The truth is I love you more than my wife.事实是我爱你胜过我的妻子.
Vivian:Then what are you going to do about your wife?那么你打算对你的妻子怎么样呢?
William:Trust me.I’ll give you happiness that you’ve never had in your life.相信我,我会给你在你生命中没有过的幸福.
Vivian:Will you give me some time to think about it?能给点时间考虑下吗?
William:Of course,I’ll wait for you,my love.(William sings love songs to her.)当然,我会等你,我亲爱的.(威廉对她唱起了情歌)
(John feels shocked and furious when he overheard the conversation between William and Vivian.And he goes over to Vivian.)
Vivian:Dad,I think he’s a great person and a wonderful lover.父亲,我想他是一个很好的人,一个至好的爱人.
John:You’d better break up with him immediately before it is too late!趁现在还不是很晚你最好跟他了断.
(John tells about what happened between Vivian and William.)
(约翰将维维安和威廉间的事告诉了 Channel)
John:Master said he loves my daughter.Why?Why he loves my daughter?主人说他爱我的女儿.为什么?为什么他爱我的女儿?
Channel:What?My husband loves another woman again?It’s not a big deal!I only care about his money!什么?我的丈夫爱另外一个女人?这倒不是什么大事,我只在乎他的钱!
John:He’s cheating on you and fooling with my daughter.他在欺骗你,耍弄我的女儿.
Channel:This time,I must do something about it.这一次,我会想办法的.
(A few minutes later,Channel calls Michelle.)(几分钟之后,Channel打电话给米歇尔)
Channel:Hello.May I speak to Michelle?米歇尔在吗?
Channel:You are a genius and I am a fool.你是一个天才,我是一个傻瓜.
Michelle:Yes,you got it.Anything I can be of service to you?是的,你说对了,我能为你做点什么吗?
Channel:I…I…I…want… (Stammering)我.我.我.想.(吞吞吐吐的)
Michelle:Hey,don’t be afraid.Speak up!喂,别害怕,大声讲!
Channel:Please kill a person for me.请为我杀一个人
Michelle:What?You want me to kill a person?什么?你想让我杀一个人?
Channel:Yes,could you do it for me,please?是的,您能为我做这件事吗?
Michelle:Ha,I’m just kidding.Of course,that’s what I am here for.I accept the case.And you know,I need a great deal of money as a reward.我在开玩笑呢.当然,那就是我在这的目的,我接受,你知道,我需要得到一大笔钱作为奖赏.
Channel:Yes,no problem at all.好,没有问题.