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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 14:18:06
2 文化空缺给跨文化翻译带来的主要问题
许多文化空缺因素都承载着相应的文化形象.不同文化有不同的文化形象,有时候要保留文化形象也实非易事.比如:We had planned to give Mum a pleasant surprise on her birthday,but Jimmy let the cat out of the bag.我们原打算在妈妈生日那天给她个意外惊喜,可吉米泄露了秘密.英语熟语“let the cat of the bag”意思是“泄露秘密”.它得自于一个有趣的故事:一位顾客要求验货,看看袋子里的猪,而从袋子里跳出来的是猫.此熟语的内涵意义的译文汉语使用者能理解,但是“猫”的形象却消失了.
Translation is not only on the surface,the language,and is the conversion of interlanguage communication cross-cultural process.When a certain cultural phenomenon in human consensus of the same life experience or above,two kinds of culture in the two languages conversion process can achieve synchronous communication.However,when a nation's cultural phenomenon in another nation culture and find corresponding cultural factors will occur,thus unable to realize cultural vacancy with cultural image of the language,now requires synchronization transmission borrow transplant.Culture refers to a national transplantation with its unique cultural imagery original transplanted into another nation's culture in the vacancy.It can not only take a kind of culture and linguistic information to the original form of contribution to another culture and language,make this nation can enjoy authentic alien culture,but also to the national culture and note the fresh blood,Not only enriched and developed the ethnic culture connotation and meaning,but also give it a new language input form,thereby further strengthening the two national cultural compatibility.
Cultural vacancy
Language is the carrier of culture,as reflected by the national language is the cultural form colorful and diverse cultural phenomenon,a nation national culture and the correspondence between the obvious,namely the cultural differences between each other.Due to the regional,social development and the influence of western culture,religion,and that their ideology and values,ways of thinking and habits often differ,there are cultural vacancy.
Example:in west "and" dongfeng ",Chinese culture and English culture with different understanding.In Britain the southwest makes British winter is warm,moist,temperature and pleasant.For the British,it is warm,gentle,so people praise.In China,the west is nipping bise,often reminiscent of dongfeng floating down,a British idea of the west,warm,heralds spring's arrival,will make the earth,but in the spring wind is bone-chilling English culture Middle East wind.
2 for intercultural translation cultural vacancy of main problems
2.1 lexical gaps
Vocabulary vacancy refers to a national cultural characteristics in another nation culture find words to express the corresponding phenomena.Therefore in cross-cultural communication and translation to find a satisfying and proper words to become one of the most difficult problems.Such as:"the China,ugly,when such word is",bases of China culture unique time,in the process of translation will cause problems.In addition,the historical figures,China's clothing,food,etc.Many in English is to find the corresponding word.While English is also has a lot of things in Chinese find corresponding word:for instance,customs,food,and all kinds of brand of car etc.
The loss of 2.2 cultural image
Many cultural vacancy factors are carrying the corresponding cultural image.Different cultures have different cultural image,sometimes to preserve cultural image and the solid non-easy matter.Example:We had a pleasant Mum nullified which involved on site,remove the greengrocer 's.how's Jimmy birthday among the bag of our original plan in the mother's birthday and give her a surprise,but Jimmy let the cat out of the bag.Among English sayings "< bag of" means "secret".It comes from an interesting story:a customer requirements,see the bag inspection pig,and from the bag is the cat jumped.The sayings of the connotation of Chinese users can understand,but "cat" image was gone.
英语翻译翻译,不仅仅是表面上的语言文字转换,而且是跨文化的语际交流过程.当某些文化现象建立在人类共识或者相同的生活经验之 英语翻译商务谈判,不仅仅是谈判各方基于经济利益的交流与合作,也是各方所具有的不同文化之间的碰撞与沟通.在不同国家、不同民 语言文字是文化的精髓对吗 汉语是中华民族的文化结晶,学习汉语、热爱汉语不仅是一种学习态度,而且是一种民族感情,是一种爱过情绪.在你学习祖国语言文字 英语翻译文化是一种社会现象,是人类社会的产物;文化是一种历史现象,是人类历史文化的沉淀.所谓“文化”,人类创造的物质财富 它不仅是中华民族的文化瑰宝,而且在世界文化艺术宝库中独放异采. 英语翻译所谓文化冲突是指不同形态的文化或者文化要素之间相互对立,相互排斥的过程. 英语翻译语际翻译不仅是两种语言的互相交换,也是两种文化的传递.文化在翻译中是不可忽视的因素,正如美国著名翻译家尤金 英语翻译陶瓷与中国文化 陶瓷的文化性的特殊之处,不仅在于它反映广泛的社会生活、大自然、文化、习俗、哲学、观念,而且在于它 英语翻译翻译是人类跨语言文化的交流的活动,我们学外语的目的就是为了能够翻译,因此,翻译在英语中充当了很重要的角色. 英语翻译餐饮文化作为一种重要的文化现象,在中西方交流中有着重要作用.餐饮文化是一种普遍的社会现象.我们可以通过深入了解餐 悉尼歌剧院不仅是悉尼的文化殿堂’咋翻译