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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 18:50:29
The single girl occupied the all canvas, without exaggerated expression while seems thinking of something. I always think that all emotions are hidden in her eyes. Her eyesight is stubborn, therefore she must be a girl looks like effeminate but with tough heart. She then becomes a kind of view.
On her left temples is a wine color flower, tying a pigtail from whole black hair. Her right hand holds the cheek quietly, her green bracelet shows out a kind of disconsolation and also connotation in a smart way. Her left hand picks up the fan on which the Chinese roses are rushing to bloom–“Her slim fingers like rouge pens which holds her jade-like face.”The girl in paint is indifferent, which is more beautiful than the Chinese roses.
Her upper is in a white short cheong-sam with blue flowers, maybe it is too simple and the cheong-sam is red edged. The blue fleur-de-lis seems more quiet and serious. Her bottoms are in a white long expansion skirt, all of her costumes are in a simple and elegant way, fit with the skirt, which appeals to people’s imagination.
Background is with ground that overspreads with yellow flowers, form near to far and spread to faraway. The girl in paint sits quietly in those flowering shrubs, which present her gentle spirit, only does girl like her can present the artistic conception of the whole paint. The paint radiates a warm sentiment, just like a far-reaching poem and an essay with rhythms. The girl in paint is more like the girl in poem, quiet as a virgin. Paint is a paint and everything is a paint.
She doesn’t need to throw a radiant smile because she can be a landscape when she sits there quietly. Because she is a girl, both the toughness and softness in her eyes, I can feel.
英语翻译姝秋单个的女子占了整张画布,她没有夸张的表情却有若有所思的模样.我一直觉得女人所有的感情都藏在眼睛里.她眼神倔强 英语翻译“我之所有甚多,然而,由于她而生的感情却把一切吞没;我之所有甚多,然而,没有她我便觉得一切都化作虚无.” 女人都有邪恶的一面我觉得女人都很邪恶,女人都很爱记仇,很卑鄙,如果你惹了她,她就想方设法的报复你.而且很阴险狡猾,我觉得 她有一双水灵灵的大眼睛改为夸张句 形容女人的成语我对她那么好,她却是非不分,反而跟别人那么亲近,我真是白献殷勤了,她虽然结婚了,但她说和她老公感情不是很好 她和我的眼睛都感到疼 英语翻译 萧蔷真的很漂亮吗?我怎么一直都没有看出来她哪里漂亮啊?我看了她的小李飞刀~感觉她那张脸还没有焦恩俊好看~`所以就问了这个 我们谈恋爱已经有1年了,我到现在连我女朋友的手都没有碰过,她一直想让我要了她, 我的老师材料作文开头:李老师是我们班的语文老师兼班主任,我总是觉得她一直对我有偏见.但最近发生的一件事,却使我改变了对她 这女人很奇怪,其实我和她以前关系很好的,以前关系僵了,她都主动找我和好,问我有没有女朋友,喜欢什么样的女孩子,现在她和她 英语翻译1.她从小就很喜爱音乐,梦想当位歌手2.她的眼神很倔强,令人难忘3我喜欢她是因为她的《again》,那首歌节奏感 她慈祥的眼神平静地望着我,像深深的潭水…(为什么我觉得老人的眼睛像深深的潭水?)