作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1、Yesterday we went to the park instead of ___ to see the fi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 14:30:51
1、Yesterday we went to the park instead of ___ to see the film
A go B going C to go D to see the film
2、Ater Mrs Kelly's____,the father went to live with Robert
A die B dead C death D died
3、You are lying .Youare ___ a friend of mine ____.
A not ..any more B no...any more C not...more D no...more
4、The poor farmers spent their whole ___ living on the farm
A life B lifes C live D lives
5、The fire is ___to us as it is so near.Let's keep out of___ as quickly as possible.
A danger,dangerous B dangerous,dangerous C dangerous,danger
6、I can speak ____ english now
A a bit of B a little of C a little D both A and C
7、What's wrong with your car?
It's broken but it ___ in an hour
A can be mended B must mend C can mend D mustbe mended
8、Could you please tell me ____?
It's next to the post office
A where is the supermarket B where the supermarket is
C where was the supermarket D where the supermarket was
9、What's your favourite TV programme
As a teacher,I like watching programme ____ education
A in B on C at D above
10、You are always ___ ____ these programmes
A influenced,by B influence,by C influenced,on D influenced to
1、Yesterday we went to the park instead of ___ to see the fi
1.B instead of doing sth ;of是介词,所以go用ing形式.昨晚我们没去看电影,去逛公园了.
2.C death 名词,去世.表示死去的一种状态.Mrs Kelly死后,父亲和Robert一起生活.
3.B no any more =not any longer不再.你撒谎,你再也不是我的朋友了.
4.A 贫穷的农民一辈子生活在农田里.the whole life一生/一辈子,这里life不可数.
5.C dangerous形容词,危险的.danger名词,危险.
6.D a bit of = a little 一点的;都可以接不可数名词.我现在可以说一点的英文.
7.A 你的车怎么了?——它坏了,但它一小时内可以修好.
can be mended 用被动式,车被修好
8.B; 当疑问句作为另一句的从句时,形式为 疑问词+陈述句.所以应该是where +主语+宾语
9.B on=about,关于/有关.你最喜爱的电视节目是什么?——作为一个老师,我喜欢看一些关于教育的节目.
10.A be influenced by被/受...影响.你总是受这些节目影响.