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翻译PAYMENTPAYMENT.If payment for the Goods is made by letter

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:50:31
If payment for the Goods is made by letter of credit, Buyer shall, unless
otherwise provided for herein, establish in favor of Seller an irrevocable
letter of credit, through a prime bank of good international repute immediately after the conclusion of this Contract. Such a letter of credit shall (i) be in a form and upon terms satisfactory to Seller, (ii) authorize reimbursement to Seller for such sums, if any, as may be advanced by Seller for consular invoices, inspection fees and other expenditures for the account of Buyer, (iii) provide for partial availability against partial shipments or deliveries, if partial shipments or deliveries are allowed under the terms of this Contract, and (iv) remain valid for at least thirty (30) days after thelatest time of shipment or delivery set forth on the face of this Contract. If such a letter of credit is not established in accordance with the terms of this Contract or is dishonored. Buyer shall, upon notice thereof from Seller, immediately make payment in cash to Seller directly and unconditionally. If Buyer fails to pay for the Goods in accordance with this Contract, Buyer shall pay to Seller as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, overdue interest at the rate of the lower of fourteen point five percent (14. 5%) per annum or the maximum interest rate permitted by the usury laws of Buyer's country, calculated from the due date for such payment until the actual date of payment on the basis of a 360 day year. If Buyer's failure to make payment or otherwise perform its obligations hereunder is reasonably anticipated, Seller may demand Buyer to provide, within a reasonable time, adequate assurance satisfactory to Seller of the due performance of this Contract, and withhold shipment or delivery of the undelivered Goods.
All bank charges outside Japan, including collection charges and stamp duties,and any charges for consular invoices, if any, shall be for the account of Buyer, provided that confirming commissions shall be for the account of Seller regardless of being charged within or outside Japan.
翻译PAYMENTPAYMENT.If payment for the Goods is made by letter
如果货物款项使用信用证付款,除了再次另外列出的,买方应该与合同确立之后尽快在有良好国际信誉的基本银行开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销信用证.此信用证 1)形式和条款都取得卖方的满意 2)授予卖方获得以下(如果有的话)款项的权力,如卖方垫付的领事发票费用,监验费用和归买方承担的其他费用 3)如果合同条款容许分批或者交付,说明分批运输或者交付的可能性 4)至少最后一次运输时间或者合同规定运输时间后30天有效.如果此信用证未按合同条款开立会被拒绝兑付.买方应该依据来自卖方的通知立即无条件直接支付卖方现金.假如买房未能为符合合同要求的货物付款,买方应赔付卖方已交付损失担不是罚款,过期利息利率以买方国家高利贷条款容许的最高利率或者年利率低于14.5%计算.计息日从此款项到期日开始计算到实际付款日,360天计一年.如果买方的未付款或者在此的义务未履行是可以适度预期的,卖方需要买方在合理时间内提供令卖方满意足够的保证,合同的到期履行,货物或者为运输货物运输的扣留