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英语练习 用一个短语(随便一个词)造30个句子

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 21:31:42
英语练习 用一个短语(随便一个词)造30个句子
我急需30个句子 来教饿的妹妹
英语练习 用一个短语(随便一个词)造30个句子
go on (a) (of an actor) walk onto the stage (指演员)上场,发场:She doesn't go on till Act 2.她要到第二幕才出场.(b) (of a sportsman) join a team as a substitute during a match (指运动员)在比赛中上场替换他人:Allen went on (in place of Lineker) just before half-time.就在上半场结束前,艾伦上场(替换莱恩克).(c) (of a bowler in cricket) begin to bowl (板球戏中的投球手)开始投球:Dilley went on (to bowl) after tea.茶点过後,迪理上场投球.(d) start to function; be lit 开始运作; 点亮:Why won't the heating go on?为什麽供暖设备停了?* Suddenly all the lights went on.突然所有的灯都亮了.(e) (of time) pass; elapse; go by (指时间)过去,流逝,经过:She became more and more talkative as the evening went on.夜渐深,她的话也渐渐多起来.* Things will improve as time goes on.随著时间的推移,情况会改善的.(f) (esp in the continuous tenses 尤用於进行时态) take place; happen 发生; 出现:What's going on here?这儿出什麽事了?* There must be a party going on next door.隔壁准是在举行聚会.(g) (of a situation or state of affairs) continue without changing (指情况或状态)继续下去而无变化:The present state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on.目前的情况不得再继续下去了.* How much longer will this hot weather go on (for)?这样炎热的天气还要持续多久?* We (ie Our relationship) can't go on like this we seem to be always arguing.我们不能老是这样了--好像我们总在争吵.(h) continue speaking,after a short pause (经短暂停顿後)继续说:She hesitated for a moment,and then went on.她迟疑了一下,然後接著说.(i) used to encourage or dare sb to do sth 用以鼓励或鼓动某人做某事:Go on!Have another drink.来呀!再喝一杯.go on sth (a) begin to receive (payments from the State because one is unemployed) or to take (a medicine) 开始领取(失业补助金); 开始服用(药物):go on social se`curity/the `dole 开始领取社会保障金[失业救济金] * go on the `pill,ie start using contraceptive pills 开始服用避孕药丸.(b) (used with the negative or in questions 与否定词连用或用於疑问句) base an opinion or a judgement on sth 以某事物为依据形成意见或判断:The police don't have much evidence to go on.警方没有什麽证据作凭藉.go `on (about sb/sth) talk about sb/sth for a long time (esp in a boring or complaining way) 长时间谈某人[某事物](尤指抱怨或令人生厌):She does go on sometimes!她有时就是爱唠叨!* I know you don't like my smoking,but there's no need to go on about it.我知道你不喜欢我抽烟,可也没有必要老唠叨这事.go `on (at sb) complain to sb about his behaviour,work,etc; criticize sb; nag sb 埋怨或责怪(某人的行为、 工作等); 挑剔某人; 数落某人:She goes on at her husband continually.她老是数落自己的丈夫.go `on (with sth) continue an activity,esp after a pause or break 继续进行某活动(尤指停顿之後):He paused to take a sip of water,and then went on (with his story).他停下来呷了一口水,然後继续讲(他的事).* If we don't finish painting the kitchen today,we can go on with it tomorrow.要是今天厨房粉刷不完,明天可以接著干.go on doing sth continue an activity without stopping 不停地从事某活动:go on coughing,crying,laughing,talking,etc 不停地咳嗽、 哭泣、 笑、 谈话等 * You can't go on working without a break.人不能不停地工作而不休息.* If you go on drinking like this you'll make youself ill.你这样喝个没完,要喝出毛病来的.go on to sth pass from one item to the next 从一项目转移至下一项目:Let's go on to the next item on the agenda.我们讨论议程表上的下一项吧.go on to do sth do sth after completing sth else 完成一事後接著做某事:After attacking the Government's economic policy,he went on to describe how the Labour Party would reduce unemployment.他抨击了政府的经济政策之後,接著讲述工党降低失业率的计画.