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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/26 05:21:04
A Bird Came Down the Walk
  By Emily Dickinson
  A bird came down the walk:一只鸟飞到路上:
  He did not know I saw; 不知我在看着;
  He bit an angle-worm in halves 他把蚯蚓撕成两半
  And ate the fellow,raw.活着吃下了.
  And then he drank a dew 后来他就着身边的草
  From a convenient grass,饮了一滴露水,
  And then hopped sidewise to the wall 又跳到墙角边
  To let a beetle pass.给一只甲虫让路.
  He glanced with rapid eyes 他锐利的双目
  That hurried all abroad,四处飞顾,-
  They looked like frightened beads,I thought 小眼珠似乎透着害怕,我自忖道.
  He stirred his velvet head 他抖了抖头顶的羽毛.
  Like one in danger; cautious,小鸟像是受了惊;谨慎小心,
  I offered him a crumb,我喂了一些面包屑
  And he unrolled his feathers 他张开双翼
  And rowed him softer home 摇他回家的羽桨
  Than oars divide the ocean,如此轻柔,
  Too silver for a seam,如此耀眼,
  Or butterflies,off banks of noon,连午后岸边的蝴蝶,
  Leap,plashless,as they swim.也禁不住翩飞起舞.