take one softgel three time daily,preferably with a meal 中文意
take one softgel three time daily,preferably with a meal 中文意
take one softgel three time daily,preferably with a meal
Take one softgel two times daily,preferably with a meal.
Take one softgel capsule daily,preferably with a meal.Do not
suggested:take one softgel daily,preferably with a meal这是药瓶上
Take one softgel daily with a meal.
如何翻译Take one tablet daily,preferably with a meal.
英文翻译take one tablet daily,preferably with a meal
take 3 daily ,preferably with a meal
take one softgel daily with a full glass of water,preferably
take one softgel up to four times daily,preferably with a me
Directions:For adults one(1)softgel daily,preferably with a