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China’s Project Hope has s 1 more than 2.5 million poor stud

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 10:51:56
China’s Project Hope has s 1 more than 2.5 million poor students since it 翻译
China’s Project Hope has s 1 more than 2.5 million poor stud
China’s Project Hope has s 1 nearly 3 million poor students since it was set up 19 years ago.自从中国希望工程19年前建立开始已经支助了将近3百万学生Until today,the project has raised more than 2.5 billion yuan of d 2 from many people.直到目前为止,该工程已经向许多人筹集了2.5亿元The money has b 3 used in building about ten t 4 Project Hope primary schools.这笔钱已经被用于修建1万所希望小学.Over 3 million children can go to these schools.3百多万孩子在这些学校上学.Project Hope knows that these children won’t have a bright f 5 if they get no education.希望工程知道这些孩子如果没有接受教育就没有光明的前途80% of the primary schools and students helped by the project are in China’s middle and w 6 areas which are less developed.百分之八十的受支助的小学或学生在中国的中西部欠发达地区.
Project Hope has helped build learning centres,libraries and training centres.希望工程帮助修建了学习中心图书馆和培训中心.It also helps t 7 school teachers from rural(乡村的) areas.它还培训来自乡村的学校教师.
Project Hope has been the largest and most influential(有影响力的) welfare(福利) project of China.希望工程成为中国最大最优优秀率的福利项目.Though it has done lots of charities for them ,but there are still many millions of students who are too p 8 to have education .尽管该项目已经为孩子们做了许多慈善,仍然还有成百上千的学生太贫穷不能够上学.More action should be t 9 to help them .应该采取更多的行动来帮助他们 Project Hope needs more people’s help and we can support its work by s 10 donations .希望工程需要更多人的帮助,我们通过捐款来支持其工作.
A) 1.supported 2.donations 3.been 4.thousand 5.future
6.western 7.training 8.poor 9.taken 10.sending