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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 01:32:53
He and she neither know nor care what happened.
He and she neither knows nor cares what happened.
He or she neither know nor care what happened.
He or she neither knows nor cares what happened.
He and she neither know nor care what happened.
正确.neither..nor的形式根据主语来定,主语是he and she,所以know、care用复数,不用纠结.
He and she neither knows nor cares what happened.
He or she neither know nor care what happened.

He or she neither knows nor cares what happened.

把he and she/he or she 看作一个【整体】,该用复数用复数,该用单数用单数,就行了.还有什么不懂的可以追问
再问: 有and的那个句子明白了。 有or的那个句子,or也要用就近原则是吗?
再答: 怎么说呢~ He or she neither knows nor cares what happened. 不是因为靠近she而用单数 而是因为he or she这个这个整体作为主语的时候,谓语动词用单数。 neither..nor的就近原则不是这样用的,应该是在neither..nor连接两个主语的时候,谓语动词的形式根据nor后面连接的那个来定。 比如 Neither he nor I am America.
再问: 我又看了一下以前的笔记,我记得以前老师好像是这么说的,A or B整体作主语的时候,谓语动词的数应该与B一致。现在情况比较复杂就是因为我的句子里又出现了一个neither nor。 我又写了一个句子,你看看,The teacher or the students neither know nor care what happened.我认为谓语动词就应该用复数了,
再答: 是对的啊 or也是用就近原则。