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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 01:44:54
Today is Wednesday...
In the morning,we had a math the third unit tests,the examination room,the only ShaShaSha.heard Pen sound,perhaps have teachers are so quiet!Think of the second unit that test,the teacher your front foot has just left behind all the students beginning comment in succession.Today is a little jangled as I do in the test paper time,a lesson is nearly over,the examination paper I also finished!When I stopped my pen,ChenMaoLin in asked me questions in the first third items do?I wish,this people usually not very fierce!How to get to a critical moment,but not line!Was going to tell him,but I after some thought,he glanced at his one eye,intentionally shook his head!Pretend don't know!He heaves a sigh.Because I know that if I tell him is in to help him cheating,again say,the teacher take an examination of we don't look at our level is?So we really don't know where is not understand!If I tell him the correct answer that is not see him real standard?So things like the best of the brain in thinking through decision.Today is happy!I also understand a truth,as long as there is pay will have harvest,so I want to tell those normally either do their homework or test copy of the students everywhere:you to work even though all wrong,than those false of the copy!Your exam,take an examination of don't satisfied though,even if it is to take an examination of 0 points than stole the Labour of others better achievements!That may be the most glorious,most worth people admire the result!Because it is true that not hypocrisy
再问: ...亲你这个是直译的么。。。= = 我怎么读不懂呢
再答: 今天是星期三… 在上午,我们有一个数学第三单元测试,考场,唯一的ShaShaSha……听见钢笔的声音,也许有老师都很安静!认为第二单元测试,老师前脚刚走,后面所有的学生都开始议论纷纷。今天是有点不大对劲~我考的时间了,一节课就要结束了,试卷我也完了! ! !当我停下笔,ChenMaoLin在问我问题在第第三物品吗?我希望,这个人通常不是很厉害!怎么去一个关键时刻,但是不行!要告诉他,但我在想,他瞥了他一眼,故意摇了摇头。假装不知道!他唉声叹气。因为我知道,如果我说的是在帮助他作弊,但又说,教师考我们不看我们的水平吗?所以我们真的不知道那里是不明白!如果我告诉他正确的答案,不是看他实际标准吗?这样,东西最喜欢在思考的大脑的决定。今天是快乐的!本人亦明白真理,只要有付出就会有收获,所以我要告诉那些平时要么做作业或测试文案的学生到处都是:你工作,即使都错了,要比那些虚伪的副本!你考试考的虽然不满意,即使这是考0分比偷了别人的劳动取得更好的成绩!这可能是最悠久、最值得人们欣赏结果!因为它是真实的,而不是虚伪
再问: “but I after some thought, ”不知道是哪里的语法。。front foot是前脚刚走的前脚啊?? 中文的翻译也读不通啊。。亲你弄了这么多字倒是好好回答啊。。这要我怎么给你最佳。。。 。。