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英语翻译Perhaps the economic dark horse of 2013 will be Canada,a

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 01:30:54
Perhaps the economic dark horse of 2013 will be Canada,and their hopes for building the Keystone and Northern Gateway pipelines to transport oil to the U.S.and Asia.Though hopes were dashed in 2012,Federal Resources Minister Joe Oliver tells Post Media the smell of money may be too much for many to resist:"I am still of the belief that we can get this done,on the assumption,of course,that it passes regulatory muster.If the conclusion is this project can be safe for Canadians and safe for the environment,that will go a long way in respect to people who are open-minded to the facts." Although there's no way to know for sure what the future holds,with a bit of luck,some hard work,and common sense,2013 will hopefully be a year of accomplishments for us all.Perhaps Abraham Lincoln summarized it best when he declared:The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.这段话的意思
英语翻译Perhaps the economic dark horse of 2013 will be Canada,a
也许经济黑马的2013年将是加拿大,他们希望建设重点和Northern Gateway管道运输石油到美国和亚洲.尽管2012年的希望破灭,联邦资源部长乔奥利弗告诉邮报传媒金钱的气味可能对于许多拒绝:“我仍然相信,我们可以做到这一点,前提,当然,它通过监管机构审批.如果结论是这个项目可以被安全的加拿大人,对环境安全,这就需要走很长的路在尊重人的事实.“虽然没有办法知道未来会怎样,有一点点运气,一些艰苦的工作,和常识,2013年有望一年的成就对我们所有人.也许亚伯拉罕·林肯总结最好当他宣布:预测未来的最佳方式就是去创造它自己