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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 05:32:44
I know some people think very clever, look down upon those who study hard classmate, total feel somebody else is congenital deficiency. But I want to say, you are just weak! You can't try! You can't as they go to effort, because you be afraid to work hard themselves can compare with them! Would rather not to try, because of fear of the risk of failure. You even to this point cannot afford to risk, because in your heart, you have no confidence.
If you are still in the future for much of that, if you are bringing superiority lived a life of ease, so I ask you, in the face of the university entrance exam now ten million students, you and take what to fight for a admission to the university? Many people say that pass the college entrance examination to use, that this wants to see you take an examination of what the university. Don't no use really famous university? If you don't work hard now, still in the dilly Dally review your past brilliant or worry about your future difficulties, so I tell you, you will achieve nothing, your dreams will be more and more far away from you, and you will live in the bottom.
So you ask you, would you like to for an age like that in the past? Even if you want to take an examination of the university has only one student enrollment, why the exceeded otherregions that can't be you? Remember, there is nothing is impossible.
英语翻译我知道有些人自以为很聪明,看不起那些刻苦学习的同学,总觉得人家是先天不足.可是我想说,你只是懦弱!你不敢尝试!你 英语翻译我喜欢你、可是我不敢说 我害怕你会疏远我、以前是我没有珍惜你 那时候我还不知道你的好、在不了解你的时候就答应了你 英语翻译其实我早就想和你说、只是一直不知道怎麼开口去说.只是突然有时候觉得很难过、明明你就在我面前,可是我们终究没有以后 你很聪明.你要刻苦学习.(用关联词与连成一句)写一个反问句,(赞美你喜欢的一个同学或老师) 我总听人家说你很二他很二耶,我想问问,我难以理解呃. 英语翻译你觉得你只是说了很普通的话,却不知道那些话早已伤害到了其他人还有一句! 英语翻译我试着尽我最大的努力去忘记你。可是我从来不知道我有这么懦弱。是我太笨,还是太认真。把你给的怜悯,当做是在乎。把你 英语翻译我想你说的是对的,但是我和我父亲很难交流,我正很努力的尝试和他交流.对于你朋友的事情,我觉得你应该问问他为什么没 英汉互译请帮我用英语翻译:我知道你是英语课代表,你成绩好,我很羡慕你。为什么你那么刻苦?是什么动力让你那么爱学习?是为了 英语翻译我喜欢你,看不到你的时候我很想你,我希望能天天见你.但是我不敢尝试和你有发展,我怕受到伤害,因为我知道你不是我的 一个女的说 我讨厌你,我看不起你 英语翻译再见了我的最爱你真的是我的唯一我想你真的很想你其实我很烦恼 你知道吗只是你看不到我我应该懂得爱惜自己不要再去想念