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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 15:51:31
Module 8 On the town在小镇
Unit 1 I was pleased to see it. 我很高兴看它。
Tony’s mum: How was the play? 那部戏剧怎么样?
Tony: Well, I was pleased to see it, but three hours is a long time to stay still.(保持不动) (be pleased to do sth. 高兴做某事)
嗯,看得很开心,不过静静地坐了三个小时,时间长了点。 Tony’s mum: Was it in English? 台词是英文的吗?
Tony: Yes, it was acted by the Beijing English Theatre Company. 对,是由北京英语戏院公司演出的。 Tony’s mum: What was the best bit? 哪一段最精彩?
Tony: The fight between the two families and their servants! And the actors who played the roles of Romeo and Juliet were superb! But it’s sad at the end, because Juliet loves Romeo, but her father has decided she must marry someone else. So they both decide to kill themselves. (decide to do sth.决定做某事) 两个家族还有他们的仆人打斗那一段!扮演罗密欧和朱丽叶的演员棒极了。但是结局有点悲伤,因为朱丽叶爱罗密欧,但她的父亲决定她必须嫁给别人。所以他们决定自杀。
Tony’s mum: “A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.” “一对不幸的恋人结束了他们的生命。”
Tony: OK, OK, I’m impressed. Can you recite any more lines? (recite some lines背出一些台词) 不错,不错,我被感动了,你还能再背出别的台词吗? Tony’s mum: No, that’s all I can remember. Did you have a good seat? 没有了,那是我所能记住的一切,你的座位好吗?
Tony: Well, it was hard to see the play at the back. The best place to sit is in the front row.
哦,在后面很难看清楚这部戏,最好的座位是前排。 Tony’s mum: Could you hear the dialogue? 你能听到对白吗?
Tony: I guessed what they were saying, but their voices weren’t very loud. Daming and Lingling found their accents really difficult to understand. 我猜出他们说了什么,但是他们的声音不是很大,大明和玲玲发现他们的口音真的很难懂。(find-found)
Tony’s mum: The best way is to read the play before you see it. 最好的方法是看戏以前先读一下剧本。
Tony: We tried to do that, but there wasn’t time. 我们想那样做,但我们没有时间。
(try to do sth.努力做某事;try doing sth.试着做某事)
Tony’s mum: Did you have anything to eat before you went to the theatre? 你们去剧院以前吃东西了吗?
Tony: No such luck! I was starving! 没有那么幸运! 我快饿死了!