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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 19:31:58
I am writing this to you because I have something to inform you. Do you still remember the school transfer stuff we were talking last time? For the some reasons, it is hard to tell you on last thursday. Actually, “I suppose I have to make a transfer” is that what I really want to say.怎么把I am writing this to you because I have something to inform you和后面我要说的转学的事巧妙的联合在一块儿?而且语气要真诚,书写的方式要委婉和流露出尊敬
If you have made a decision,then you really don't have to be indirect.This is US,just say what you need to say.And be considerate,polite,but that doesn't mean you can't use direct language.Remember,you're just another student who have found a better place.Just say something like this.
After much consideration,I've decided to transfer to xxx.It has been a great time to work with you,and I really appreciate that.However,I feel that it's in my best interest to transfer.(You may give a reason if you want to,but it's unnecessary.) I wish you all the best for your work.
Best regards,
再问: 可是理由不够充分,他不会让我转的
再答: 呵呵,貌似他管不着吧。这个不是理由充分不充分的问题。 你的身份,或者说学生身份表格,是学校发的。只要你有新学校的表,那么就可以入学,并且保持身份。 所以跟原来学校,尤其是老师,也就是一个礼貌的问题。当然如果你需要他的推荐信,那就另当别论了。 个人意见,仅供参考。