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英语翻译If we are to help students develop reading skills in a f

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 19:33:03
If we are to help students develop reading skills in a foreign language,it is important to understand what is involved in the reading process itself.If we have a clear idea of how “good readers” read,either in their own or a foreign language,this will enable us to decide whether particular reading techniques are likely to help learners or not.
In considering the reading process,it is important to distinguish between two separate activities:reading for meaning (or “silent reading”) and reading aloud.Reading for meaning is the activity we normally engage in when we read books,newspapers,road signs,etc.; it is what you are doing as you read this text.It involves looking at sentences and understanding the message they convey,in other words,“making sense” of a written text.It doesn’t normally involve saying the words we read,not even silently inside our heads; there are important reasons for this,which are outlined below.
Reading aloud is a completely different activity; its purpose is not just to understand a text but to convey the information to someone else.It is not an activity we engage in very often outside the classroom; common examples are reading out parts of a newspaper article to a friend,or reading a notice to other people who can’t see it.Obviously,reading aloud involves looking at a text,understanding it and also saying it.Because our attention is divided between reading and speaking,it is a much more difficult activity than reading silently; we often stumble and make mistakes when reading aloud in own language,and reading aloud in a foreign language is even more difficult.
When we read for meaning,we do not need to read every letter or every word,nor even every word in each sentence.This is because,provided the text makes sense,we can guess much of waht it says as we read it.
英语翻译If we are to help students develop reading skills in a f
如果我们帮助学生在外语方面提高他们的阅读技能,那么这对于他们理解在阅读过程中包含什么很重要.如果我们有好的朗读者如何阅读的方法或他们自己的语言或其他的外国语言,这将使我们决定是否有特别的方法帮助学生.在考虑读书过程中,区别在不同的活动之间是很重要的:默读或大声的读.当我们读书时读出意思就像我们通常允诺的活动.报纸,路标等;就像你在读这读本时你在做什么.它涉及到看句子和他们了解邮件传递,换句话说;造句子就像写文章.它一般不包括我们正在读的字,甚至不包括脑子里默默想的.这有很重要的原因,如下所示,朗读是一种完全不同的活动,其目的是不只是要了解一个文本,而是要传达给其他人的信息.它不是我们很多时候在课堂以外从事的活动 ; 常见的例子是读了部分的报纸上的文章,一位朋友或其他看不到它的人阅读的通知.很明显,朗读涉及看一个文本,了解它,阅读它.因为我们的注意力分为读取和说话间,它是一种默默读书困难得多的活动方式 ;在朗读在自己的语言我们经常绊跌犯错误,朗读是外语就更困难了.