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英语翻译Genetic screen for intercellular gene transfer.(A) Maps

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 15:45:36
Genetic screen for intercellular gene transfer.
(A) Maps of the plastid genome in Pt-spec:gfp plants and the transgenic locus in Nuc-kan:yfp plants.PpsbA and TpsbA,promoter and terminator from the plastid psbA gene; Prrn,promoter from the plastid rRNA operon; Trps16,terminator from the plastid rps16 gene; Pnos and Tnos,promoter and terminator from the nopaline synthase gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens; P35S and T35S,promoter and terminator from the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S transcript; LB and RB,left and right borders of the T-DNA region; Eco RV and Xho I,restriction sites used for restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (fig.S3).
(B) Selection experiments.The grafted stem region was either sectioned (horizontal lines) or directly exposed to selection (bracket).The middle panel shows the arrangement of tissue explants,the right panel a selection plate (right half,stem sections from the graft site; upper left quarter,three stem sections and three leaf explants from Nuc-kan:yfp; lower left quarter,the corresponding explants from Pt-spec:gfp).After 4 weeks on medium with spectinomycin and kanamycin,some explants from the graft site developed growing callus tissue or regenerating shoots (arrows).
(C) Expression and subcellular localization of the fluorescent reporters.The wild type,the two grafting partners,and a YG line were assayed for GFP,chlorophyll (Chl),and YFP fluorescence.
英语翻译Genetic screen for intercellular gene transfer.(A) Maps
A)转基因Pt-spec:gfp 植株的质粒基因组图及Nuc-kan:yfp 植株的转基因插入的基因座位图.
PpsbA 和TpsbA 分别表示来自质体psbA基因的启动子和终止子;Prrn:质体 rRNA 操纵子启动子;Trps16:质体rps16基因的终止子;Pnos 和 Tnos:农杆菌胭脂碱合酶基因的启动子和终止子;P35S 和 T35S:烟草花叶病毒35S转录本的启动子和终止子;LB 和 RB:T-DNA 区的左右边界;Eco RV 和 Xho I:用于限制性片断长度多态性分析的限制性酶切位点(图附3).