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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 12:32:53
1.Spring is life
Spring is hope
So is love and
2.The birds are chirping.The butterflies are dancing.The bees are buzzing.
Lambs are frisking and playing.The kids are flying kites.
3.The grass is green The buds are blossoming,The fields breathe sweet,the daisies kiss our feet,The pitter-patter of rain does fall against my windows,against my wall.
1.Summer clouds in a summer sky
Soft and pillowy as they float by.
2.Summer's sun may bathe one and all with heat fro' above.
Summer's heat can bring to beaches and swimming pools...
Visions of women in bikinied thongs,these things my eyes do love.
3.Hell is the summer’s day,
With the sun’s burning ray;
It destroys thy once magnificent lea,
And turns to mud the beatific sea.
1 Leaves of orange,yellow,red
Fortify the feather bed
Robins bid farewell from eaves
2.leaves,fluttering down to the ground
making a soft carpet
with colors of orange,yellow and brown.
1.The great North Wind rattles the trees
And shatters their twigs to splinters
The sparkling quilt of snow knee-deep
Paves the streets of winter
2.In the winter I walk the slushy streets alone
I see the children play snowman and throw snowballs.
3.The sky is bleak.The wind is howling.The bears,woodchucks are hibernating.