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英语翻译Hello Moysen i ask you abouth one months ago ;what you t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 19:24:58
Hello Moysen i ask you abouth one months ago ;what you thinks for injection toward H1N1
svineflu (seeknes)?You never give me answer for my question here in Sweden few people
dead with age 50-65-70 after when take it the injection.Many people said ;is no good medicin,because ;can give ; Cancer ; fertilyti,(can not have baby) and different siknes.
Who nos the trhu To morrow 27.10.2009.I have to drive to croatien and after to Italy.I was
Stuppid yesterday ,because I start cooking,Gina stay behind me and talk,talk,talk and I
lysin her;and next secund cathing my small finger ,allmost of;start werry haewy blod and
we can not stopping,abouth halv to one our.I will not go to Hospitale,I do not like anymore
Swedish doctor.After what I surviver to today.OK.I belive you and brother;just that,no more
Swedish tortyr.Finnish.So next letter or postcard comming from Italy.Ciao.I belive the
Mammon,because what I find ininternet;in english means ;Devil the first de gread
And gredy;just for me not exist other.Ciao.
英语翻译Hello Moysen i ask you abouth one months ago ;what you t
Moysen.大约一个月前我问过你对注射H1N1流感疫苗的看法,你也没答复我.在瑞典,50-65-70年龄段的人在注射后很少有死亡病例.许多人说,这药没好处,能致癌,还能导致不能生育或引发其他的疾病.谁知道呢?到明天 27.10.2009,我开车去croatien之后去意大利.昨天有点搞笑,我刚开始做饭,Gina在我身后不停地说啊说啊说的,我就听着,一不小心,弄破小指了,大约流了半小时的血,我们也止不住.我也没去医院,因为不喜欢瑞典的医生.我能活到今天,真好.我相信你兄弟.这封信就到此吧.下一封信或明信片来自意大利.我相信财神,因为我对其感兴趣,用英语来说,魔鬼是贪婪的,贪婪只对于我来说不存在别的.