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初中英语教案我是一名大三英语专业的学生,马上就要讲课了,我讲的是新课标七年级英语下Unit3 How do you ge

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 21:27:57
我是一名大三英语专业的学生,马上就要讲课了,我讲的是新课标七年级英语下Unit3 How do you get to school SectionA部分,老师要求写教案,10分钟讲完SectionA部分,包括Lead-in、Presentation、Practice、homewoke还有板书。恳请以前讲过这课的亲爱的学长学姐们或者老师们将你们当时讲的教案发给我,或者给我一些指点,真希望自己第一次讲的成功点,谢谢了。有悬赏哦
初中英语教案我是一名大三英语专业的学生,马上就要讲课了,我讲的是新课标七年级英语下Unit3 How do you ge
七年级英语《Unit 3 How do you get to school SectionA(1a-3c)》教案
第一课时Section A (1a-2e)
Inthis lesson, the students will talk about how to get to places with suchpatterns as: How do you get to …? I take the …/Iget to …by… Talk about time and distances with Howquestions. Listen for vehicles and numbers.
Teaching and learning steps:
Step I. Pre-listening activities
1. Preview
Askthe Ss to translate the following Chinese into English. First ask the Ss to putthem into English orally。Then let them write English downwithout looking at the textbooks.
1.乘火车________ 2.乘公共汽车 _____________
3.乘地铁___________ 4. 骑自行车_________
5.步行____________ 6. 一百零五________
Ask the Ss to translate the followingsentences.
(2)--玛丽怎样到学校? 她乘地铁。
3. Lead in
Whattime do you get to school?
How do you get to school everyday?
How many transportations(交通工具) do you know? What are they?
OK, let’s come to the newwords.
4. New words
(1)Teacher checks the Ss’ pronunciation.
(2)Can you say?


(3) 1aMatch the words with the pictures.
4. Sentences
A: How do you get to school?
B: I ________. / I get toschool by _____.
一、--How do you getto school?
--I ride my bike.
1. 询问去某地的交通方式用疑问副词______,
2. get to school意为____________
get to 意为_____,get to + _____
I take the bus to school.
I get to school by bus.
take the +交通工具= ____ +交通工具“ 表示乘坐某种交通工具”
步行______________ =__________________
StepII. While-listeningactivities
(1) Listenfor the general idea of 1b.
Thegeneral idea of the conversation is about _______
A.where they live
B.how they get to school
C.the distance from their homes to school
(2)Listen for the specific ideas of1b.
1b1 Listen andwrite the numbers to the correct students inthe picture above.
1b2 Complete thedialogue according to the tape.
Boy;How do Bob and Mary _______ to school?
Girl;Bob takes the _________ and Mary takes the subway.
Boy;How ______ John get to school?
Girl;He takes the ___________.
Boy;How _______ Paul and Yang Lan get to school?
Girl;They _______.Look, there they are now!
Boy;Does Jim _________ to school?
Girl;No, he doesn’t. He _______his bike.
(3)Listen forthe general idea of 2a.
The general idea of this part is about__________
A.some numbers
B.some ways to get to school
C.some places
(4)Listen for the specific ideas of 2a.
2aListen and repeat. Then write the correct number next to the word.
2b Listen andcomplete the chart.
Step III. Post-listening activities
A: How do you get to school?
B: I …
A: How long does it take…?
B: It takes …
A: How far is it from … to …?
B: It’s about …
Step IV. 2e
1. Read 2d and answer the questions.
(1)Does Scott have an interesting job? Why do you think so?
(2)When does she get up? Does she get up in the morning or at night?
(3)When does she eat breakfast?
2. 知识点拨
一、 I ride it to school every day.
to 意为_______,后跟地点名词。
I drive thecar ___ ________.
They take thetrain _____ ________.
二、 How long does it take you to get to school?
It takes sb. some time to do sth是固定用法意为___________
How long 意为____________
It ______me half an hour___ ________homework.
It takes me 15minutes to get home.
______ _______ does it ______ you_____ get home?
3. 听录音跟读,模仿语音语调。
4. Role-play
Role-playthe conversation in pairs. Then go to the front of the classroom and perform itto the whole class.
Step V. Exercises: the end-of- classtest
1. He takes the bus to get to school.
2. It's about 10 kilometers from home to school.
______ ______ ___ it from home to school?
3. It takes 15 minutes to get to school.
______ ______ ______ it _____to get to school?
4. It takes me about 20 minutes to get toschool.
_______ ___________it take you ______ ______ to school?
1. She gets to school on foot. (同义句)
She ________to school.
2. He gets to school by bike. (同上)  
He ____his____to school.
3. It takes us 20 minutes _________(walk) home.(用所给单词的适当形式填空。)
4. How long does it take you _____________(watch)TV?((同上)
5. The bus ride _____ ______ _____ _____( 花费大约20分钟).
Step VI. Homework
1.Read 2e after the tape and recite them.
2.Preview section B.
初中英语教案我是一名大三英语专业的学生,马上就要讲课了,我讲的是新课标七年级英语下Unit3 How do you ge 我是一名即将升大三的英语专业的学生,大三就要分方向了,翻译方向和商务英语有什么区别, 马上就要分科了、心里好烦、望各位哥哥姐姐指点下、 我是一名男生、我英语特别不好、语文、数学一般的... 我是一个初三的学生我是一名初三的学生,马上就要放寒假了,我成绩很差,玩了那么多年,这几天突然开窍了,不想辜负父母对我的期 我是一名初二的学生,6月25日就要期末考试了,我成绩很差,全年级一千四百多名学生,我的名次基本是在一千 七年级下册英语的课文,我马上就要用, 七年级下册的英语作业本人教版(2)的Unit3 why do you like koalas?的第四课时答案!今晚就要, 如何学习英语语法我是一名英语专业的学生,可是无论如何对英语也不开窍,我的专业要求是英语能力的学习,而非应试,我现在英语水 我是一名初三的学生,再过半年就要中考了,我有机会进入重点高中吗? 雅思难度我是一名北京大三的学生 再开学是大三下学期 想备考雅思 英语基础还好 四级508 六级12月刚考完但估计过不了因 新课标《初中英语每课一练》七下答案!人教版的! 关于英语语音我是一名本科英语专业学生 大二  但说实话这两年来我的英语真的连初中生都不如  笔试还过